Remesh Faces
Use Remesh Faces ()to modify the mesh on boundaries in 3D, as seen in Figure 8-97. Supported for meshes that define their own geometric model, such as imported meshes. After remeshing the faces, use Free Tetrahedral to fill the domains with a tetrahedral mesh.
Figure 8-97: Remeshing an imported STL mesh (left) using the Remesh Faces operation (right).
The Remesh Faces operation also remeshes the adjacent edges which will affect the meshes on adjacent faces. If the face is adjacent to a meshed domain, also the adjacent domain mesh will be modified. Since the domain mesh will put constraints on what operations can be done on the mesh, it is typically better to first remove the domain mesh, remesh the faces, and finally mesh the domain again.
To remove domain elements, either clear the check box Import domain elements in the Import operation or add a Delete Entities operation on Domain level with the check box Keep as unmeshed domains selected.
The attributes Corner Refinement, Distribution, and Size control the element size on boundaries and edges. Use the Fixed Mesh attribute to keep the edge mesh on adjacent edges fixed when remeshing. Use the Identical Mesh attribute to specify groups of boundaries or edges where identical mesh is needed.
To add a Remesh Faces node, select one or several boundaries in the Graphics, then choose one of the following:
Right-click in the Graphics window to open The Graphics Context Menu and select Remesh Faces ().
In The Mesh Toolbar, choose Remesh Faces from the More Generators () menu.
Right-click a Mesh or Mesh Part node and choose Remesh Faces () from the More Generators menu.
Then enter the properties for the remeshing operation using the following sections:
Boundary Selection
Specify the boundaries that you want to remesh. Use All boundaries to select all boundaries in the mesh, select Manual to specify the boundaries by clicking in the Graphics window or selecting from the Selection List, or choose a named selection to refer to a previously defined selection.
Narrow Domain Regions
Select the check box Resolve narrow domain regions (selected by default) to allow the element size to be smaller close to narrow domain regions, as shown in Figure 8-98. This option is useful if the adjacent domain will be filled with a tetrahedral mesh. Clear the check box to mesh each boundary without accounting for narrow domain regions. This will give a coarser mesh, as seen in the following image:
Figure 8-98: Remeshing an imported mesh using the option Resolve narrow domain regions. Turning on the option resolves the surface mesh close to the narrow region (upper right).
Face Representation
Specify which representation to use when remeshing the boundaries. The setting only affects how mesh vertices are placed on curved faces.
Select Linear to place new or moved mesh vertices on the input mesh. The resulting mesh will keep the shape of the input mesh to a great extent.
Select Curved (default) to place new or moved mesh vertices on a curved surface approximation of the input mesh. On curved faces where the mesh has been refined, the resulting mesh will typically be smoother than the input mesh.