Fixed Mesh
Use the Fixed Mesh () attribute to keep the mesh fixed on edges (3D) or boundaries (2D) while remeshing the faces (3D) or domains (2D), as shown in Figure 8-56.
Figure 8-56: Keeping the selected edge mesh (blue) fixed when remeshing the domain.
To add a Fixed Mesh attribute as a local node, select faces (3D) or domains (2D) and choose one of the following:
Right-click a Remesh Faces or Remesh Domains node and select Fixed Mesh ().
Select a Remesh Faces or Remesh Domains node in the Model Builder tree and choose Fixed Mesh from the More Attributes () menu in The Mesh Toolbar.
Geometric Entity Selection
Define the geometric entities where you want to keep the mesh fixed. Choose Manual from the Selection list to select the entities in the Graphics window or choose All boundaries/edges to select all available entities of that level. If there are selections available, choose one of the selections from the list next to Selection.
Click the Active button to toggle between turning ON and OFF the entity selections. Select boundaries (2D) or edges (3D) in the Graphics window or from the Selection List. The entities will be highlighted blue in the graphics and also appear in the selection of this section.