The Mesh Toolbar
After a Component has been added to the model, the Mesh ribbon toolbar (Windows) or the Mesh contextual toolbar (macOS and Linux) is made accessible. Click the Mesh ribbon tab to open the Mesh ribbon toolbar (Windows). Click a meshing sequence node in the Model Builder and the Mesh toolbar displays on the COMSOL Desktop (macOS and Linux).
The section Meshing Operations and Attributes contains information of all available operations and attributes.
Figure 8-8: Click the Mesh ribbon tab to open the Mesh ribbon toolbar (Windows users, top). For macOS and Linux, click the Mesh node or any of the subsequent operation or attribute nodes to open the Mesh contextual toolbar (bottom). Only some of the available buttons are shown in this image.
Predefined Mesh Element Sizes
The following table shows the icons on the menus for selecting predefined mesh element sizes. There are nine predefined sizes, ranging from Extremely fine to Extremely coarse, as seen in Table 8-1. For more information about controlling the mesh size, see Mesh Element Sizing.
Geometric Measurements
To measure the volume, area, or length of a selected domain, face, or edge, respectively, click the Measure button (). The result displays in The Messages Window. Using this button, it is also possible to view the coordinates of a selected vertex, the distance between two selected vertices, or the number of entities and the geometry representation (only if you have license for the CAD Import Module) of a geometry object.
The Mesh Toolbar in 1D and 2D contains a subset of the tools in the 3D toolbar. See also Measuring Geometry Objects and Entities.