The Graphics Context Menu
Right-click anywhere in the Graphics window to open a menu that gives quick access to mesh operations (see Table 8-6) that you can apply in the current context. There are also options to hide entities, add entities to a selection, measure entities, and show the statistics of a mesh.
Figure 8-10: The graphics context menu provides quick access to actions and operations that are applicable in the current context. Here, a boundary has been preselected (highlighted in blue).
These different aspects will influence the context:
The Sequence type of the Mesh node. Having an empty mesh, a mesh generated based on a geometry, or an imported mesh will all result in different content in the menu. For example, operations associated with imported meshes will not appear in the menu if the mesh is generated based on a geometry.
The current Settings window. For Settings windows of a mesh operation, there will be an option to show the current selection. There is typically also an option to add preselected entities to the selection of the operation.
settings to Control the Automatic Build of Mesh Operations
You can configure the software to build certain mesh operations automatically when you add them from a nonempty preselection. For example, if you select a boundary on a 3D geometry, then right-click in the Graphics window, and from the context menu select Free triangular, the operation can be built automatically after it is added to the meshing sequence. The behavior can be controlled with settings on two levels:
Override the preference setting for a mesh sequence in The Mesh Node settings and the Mesh Parts settings. See the respective sections for more information on the settings.