Create Faces
Use Create Faces () to create meshed boundaries within selected edges in a surface mesh in 3D, as shown in Figure 8-46. The generated face will be as close to planar as possible and typically need to be remeshed to improve the quality of the triangles.
Figure 8-46: Creating meshed faces within selected edge loops (blue) using the Create Faces operation.
To add a Create Faces node, select edges in the Graphics window, then choose one of the following:
Right-click in the Graphics window to open The Graphics Context Menu and select Create Faces (). In 3D, do this from the Create Faces menu.
For a 3D mesh, it is available from the Create Entities menu () on The Mesh Toolbar. For 2D meshes, click the Create Faces () button directly in the Mesh toolbar.
Right-click the Mesh node and select Create Faces (). In 3D, do this from the Create Entities menu.
Enter the properties for Create Faces using the following sections:
Edge Selection
To create faces you need to define an edge selection. The selected edges must form simple loops; that is, there must be no ambiguity about how to draw the loops. You can select edges to form several loops in a single operation. Only edges adjacent to void or unmeshed domains can be selected. If you select the Group adjacent edges check box (it is selected by default), then, when an edge is selected (or deselected), the selection automatically extends to neighboring edges that seem to be part of the loop. If you clear this check box, each edge can be selected (deselected) manually.
Resulting Enclosed Regions
Select the Create domains check box (selected by default) to automatically form domains for each (connected) finite void region that is defined by the imported surface mesh and analyze these domains with respect to the mesh that might already exist in the sequence. Clear the check box to not form domains, for example if more repairing is needed before the mesh forms watertight regions. Consider to later add a Create Domains operation if you clear the check box.
Selections of Resulting Entities
Select the Resulting faces and/or the Resulting domains check boxes to create predefined selections in subsequent nodes in the mesh sequence. To also make the selections available in all applicable selection lists outside the mesh sequence or mesh part (in physics and materials settings, for example), select the Show in physics (Show outside part if in a mesh part) check box. These selections do not appear as separate selection nodes in the model tree. From the Color list, choose a color for highlighting the resulting objects selection. See Selection Colors and Creating Named Selections in the Mesh Sequence.
Most physics require a mesh on the domains. Use the Free Tetrahedral, Swept, and Boundary Layers operations to fill the domains with domain elements.
See STL Import 1 — Generating a Geometry from an Imported Mesh: Application Library path COMSOL_Multiphysics/Meshing_Tutorials/stl_vertebra_import.