Importing 3MF, PLY, STL, and VRML Meshes
Use an Import node () to import a mesh from a 3MF, PLY, STL, or VRML file. When you import a mesh, you can position, rotate, and scale the mesh by using one or several Transform attributes.
Figure 8-22: The fluid region in the tutorial Analyzing Porous Structures on the Microscopic Scale is imported from an STL file.
To import additional meshes, add another Import node. Then COMSOL Multiphysics adds the elements of the newly imported mesh to the existing mesh.
Meshes from different Import nodes form an assembly. See Conforming, Nonconforming, and Nonmatching Meshes for more information about assembly type meshes.
Imported Meshes and Element Orders for information about curved elements.
Files of the formats 3MF, PLY, STL, and VRML typically contain triangle elements with small angles, large angles, and the mesh elements often vary a lot in size. Such meshes are not well suited for simulations and need to be remeshed or modified before generating a volume mesh.
Enter the properties for the import using the following sections:
Specify the filename in the Filename field or click the Browse button. You can also click the downward arrow beside the Browse button and choose Browse From () to open the fullscreen Select File window. Click the downward arrow for the Location menu () to choose Show in Auxiliary Data () to move to the row for this file in the Auxiliary Data window, Copy Location (), and (if you have copied a file location) Paste Location ().
Select the Create domains check box (selected by default) to automatically form domains for each (connected) finite void region that is defined by the imported surface mesh and analyze these domains with respect to the mesh that might already exist in the sequence.
Most physics require a mesh on the domains. Use the Free Tetrahedral, Swept, and Boundary Layers operations to fill the domains with domain elements.
Boundary Partitioning Properties
When a mesh is imported into COMSOL Multiphysics, the operation automatically determines a partitioning of the mesh into domains, boundaries, edges, and points. If the automatically performed partitioning does not match the requirements, you can modify the face partitioning by manually adjusting the corresponding parameters. For details, see the section Boundary Partitioning Properties.
Repair Tolerance and Selection for STL (Stereolithography) Files
These settings are available when the Source list is set to STL file for import of stereolithography files in 3D. Such files contain data for an unstructured triangulated surface.
The Create selections check box is selected by default to create a boundary selection of every solid section in the file during import. Typically, there is only one such section. In that case, a selection of the entire boundary is created. This happens also when the STL file is binary and can by definition have no solid sections. The created selections appear in a table in the Boundary Selections section that appears below the Import section. The table has two columns. In the right column, the name of the solid section that the selection has been created from appears. If the section is named or if the file is binary, the name is empty. If the Create Domain check box is selected and domains was successfully created, a table with selections for the domains appear under the Domains Selections section. The domain selection typically get the same name as the boundary selection for the boundaries that enclose the domain. The selections appear in the same order as the corresponding sections in the file. In the left column, the name of the selection appears. By this name, which can be changed, as well as dimension of the selection, you can find the selection in the model.
The repair tolerance assures that the imported mesh contains no holes and no triangles with sides shorter that the tolerance. Specify the Repair tolerance by selecting one of these options:
Automatic (the default), to use a default tolerance value (108).
Relative, to specify a Relative tolerance (default: 108). The relative tolerance value must be smaller or equal to 1.
Absolute, to specify an Absolute tolerance (default: 108) in the length unit specified in the Settings window for the Geometry node.
Tolerance for Merging of Vertices for 3MF, PLY, and VRML Files
These settings are available when the Source list is set to 3MF file, PLY file, or VRML file for import of files of the 3MF, PLY, or VRML formats. Such files contain data for a surface mesh containing triangle or quadrilateral (PLY only) elements.
Select the Merging coinciding mesh vertices check box to merge mesh vertices that coincide within the merge tolerance during import. Specify the Tolerance by selecting one of these options:
Automatic (the default), to use a default tolerance value (108).
Relative, to specify a Relative tolerance (default: 108). The relative tolerance value must be smaller or equal to 1 and it translates to an absolute value by multiplying it with the largest coordinate in the mesh.
Absolute, to specify an Absolute tolerance (default: 108) in the length unit specified in the Settings window for the Geometry node.
Entity Selections
The sections Domain Selections, Boundary Selections, Edge Selections, and Point Selections appear after building the Import operation. The selections are generated during the import based on selections defined in the source. In the Name column, the name of each selection appears. For STL file import, the source of each selection appears in Solid section in file column (that is, which information in the imported file that was used to generate the selection). Select the name in the Name column to highlight the selection in the Graphics window. You can change the name of a selection by editing the corresponding table entry in the Name column. Note that not all of these selection sections are available for all space dimensions.
The selections can be used to specify entity selections in operations and attributes within the same meshing sequence and, if the mesh defines the component’s geometric model, for physics and material settings. For more information about the component’s geometric model, see The Mesh Node.
See Analyzing Porous Structures on the Microscopic Scale:
Application Library path Porous_Media_Flow_Module/Fluid_Flow/pore_scale_flow_3d.
See STL Import 1 — Generating a Geometry from an Imported Mesh:
Application Library path COMSOL_Multiphysics/Meshing_Tutorials/stl_vertebra_import.
See STL Import 2 — Remeshing an Imported Mesh:
Application Library path COMSOL_Multiphysics/Meshing_Tutorials/stl_vertebra_mesh_import.