Geometry Operations
This section describes the available geometry operations (Work Plane Operations, Boolean and Partition Operations, Transform Operations, Conversion Operations, Other Geometry Operations, and Programming). The features in Table 7-5, Table 7-6, Table 7-7, Table 7-8, and Table 7-9,are also available as buttons on The Geometry Toolbar.
See Virtual Geometry and Mesh Control Operations for examples of how to use virtual geometry operations to remove a short edge and to ignore and collapse edges to prepare the geometry for efficient meshing. You can use several of these operations to also control the mesh.
Work Plane Operations
The following table lists operations available with work planes in 3D geometries:
Boolean and Partition Operations
Use Boolean and Partition operations to create a composite geometry object by forming unions, set differences, and set intersections — and combinations of those operations — of existing geometry objects.
The following Boolean and Partitions operations are available in all space dimensions:
Transform Operations
You can use the transforms to create rectangular and linear arrays of identical geometry objects and to move, rotate, mirror, scale, and make rigid transformations geometry objects. Mirroring, moving, rotating, and scaling are affine transformations applied to geometry objects. All transforms are available in all space dimensions, except Rotate, which is not applicable for 1D geometries, and Rigid Transform, which is only applicable in 3D.
Conversion Operations
The geometry conversion operations make it possible to, for example, convert a 3D solid to a surface (boundary) object for modeling a shell or other thin structure. You can perform the following geometry object conversions:
Other Geometry Operations
For 2D geometry objects, you can use geometry operations such as fillets and tangents to construct the geometry. In all space dimensions you can delete geometry objects or geometric entities (domains, boundaries, edges, and points).
The following table provides an overview of available general geometry operations:
You can use parts to simplify the geometry modeling with custom parts that can be reused and created as part instances in a geometry sequence:
Table 7-10: Parts.
You can add Named Selections in the Geometry sequence to simplify the geometry modeling and set up physics:
Table 7-11: Parts.
You can use If, Else If, Else, and End If nodes to create If statements that enable or disable other features depending on values of logical conditions in terms of parameters. The Parameter Check node makes it possible to check the value of parameters (for example, to limit the value of an input parameter).
Use the following actions and operations to evaluate the geometric entities and objects:
Table 7-13: Parts.