Two-Point Map
Use the Two-Point Map () attribute to specify the orientation of the source mesh on the destination for a Copy, Copy Face, or a Copy Domain node. Using this node, the source mesh of the copy operation is transformed so that the source edge of the Two-Point Map node is mapped onto the destination edge with the specified orientation, as shown in Figure 8-110.
Figure 8-110: The left image shows the resulting mesh after copying the triangle mesh on the right circle to the left. The right image shows the resulting mesh with an Edge Map applied, generating a mirrored mesh on the circles. The yellow points specify the points on the source that is mapped onto the magenta points on the destination.
To add a Two-Point Map () node as a subnode to a Copy, Copy Face or a Copy Domain node, choose one of the following:,
Right-click the operation in the Model Builder and select Two-Point Map () from its context menu.
Select the operation node in the Model Builder, click More Attributes () on The Mesh Toolbar, and select Two-Point Map.
Then enter the properties using the following sections:
Source Points
Click the Active button to toggle between turning ON and OFF selections.
Activate the First point on source list and select the point that you want to define as first source point in the Graphics window.
Activate the Second point on source list and select the point that you want to define as second source point in the Graphics window.
Destination Points
Activate the First point on destination list and select the point that you want to define as first destination point in the Graphics window.
Activate the Second point on destination list and select the point that you want to define as second destination point in the Graphics window.