Intersect with Line
Use Intersect with Line () to intersect the elements of an imported mesh with a straight line, as shown in Figure 8-75. The selected geometric entities are partitioned by the line. A selection of domains will also lead to a partitioning of adjacent boundaries.
Figure 8-75: Partitioning the domain of an imported 2D mesh using the Intersect with Line operation (left). Zooming in on one of the intersections with the curved boundary (right) to show that the placement of the point is done on the curved representation of the boundary.
Use boundary selections only when there are no adjacent domains. For a selection of only boundaries, an error is given if the line intersects domains adjacent to the selection.
To add a Intersect with Line () node, select domains in the Graphics, and then choose one of the following:
Right-click in the Graphics window to open The Graphics Context Menu and select Intersect with Line () from the Booleans and Partitions menu.
Select Intersect with Line () from the Booleans and Partitions () menu on The Mesh Toolbar.
Right-click the Mesh node and select Intersect with Line () from the Booleans and Partitions menu.
Enter the properties for Intersect with Line using the following sections:
Geometric Entity Selection
Define the geometric entities to intersect. From the Geometric entity level list: Choose Entire geometry, Domain, or Boundary to specify the domains or boundaries to partition with the line or choose a named selection to refer to a previously defined selection. The option Entire geometry selects all domains and boundaries.
From the Specify list, choose Coordinates (the default) to specify the positions of a point on the line. Enter values in the corresponding x and y fields. Alternatively, select Vertex to select a vertex.
From the Specify list, choose Direction vector (the default) to specify the direction of the line using a vector. Enter values in the corresponding x and y fields. Alternatively, select Second point coordinates or Second vertex to let the line and its direction be defined by two points. For Second point coordinates, specify the coordinates in the corresponding x and y fields. For Second vertex, select a vertex.
Click the Active button to toggle between turning ON and OFF the vertex selection. To add a vertex to the selection, click on a vertex in the Graphics window or add one using the Selection List.
The intersection of mesh elements can result in short mesh edges, relatively small mesh elements, and elements of poor element quality. To improve the quality of the mesh, cleanup is done by snapping mesh vertices. Mesh vertices on the intersected edges can be moved (snapped) to the line to ensure a straight intersection when cleanup is performed. To decrease the amount of snapping performed, lower the Repair tolerance.
Mesh vertices are snapped to the intersection line if both of the following apply:
Use the Repair tolerance list to control the snapping distance by choosing Automatic (the default), Relative, or Absolute. Choose Relative to enter a value in the Relative tolerance field. This value is relative to the length of the longest side of the mesh bounding box. Select Absolute to specify a value in the Absolute tolerance field. When the operation is built with either of the settings Automatic or Relative, the values in the Relative tolerance (for Automatic only) and Absolute tolerance fields are automatically updated to be an average of the distances the mesh vertices were actually moved.
Use the Placement of mesh vertices setting to specify if the new mesh vertices on the intersecting edges will be placed using a Curved (default) or Linear representation. See Figure 8-76.
Figure 8-76: The mesh vertices on the intersection edge is placed on either a curved representation (upper right) or a linear representation (lower right).
Selections of Resulting Entities
Select the Intersection edges, Entities above, and/or Entities below check boxes to create predefined selections in subsequent nodes in the mesh sequence. To also make the selections available in all applicable selection lists outside the mesh sequence or mesh part (in physics and materials settings, for example), select the Show in physics (Show outside part if in a mesh part) check box or choose an option from the Show in physics (Show outside part if in a mesh part) list: All levels, Domain selection, Boundary selection, or Point selection. To keep the selection local to the mesh sequence/part, choose Off. The default is Domain selection, which is suitable for use with materials and physics defined in domains. For use with a boundary condition, for example, choose Boundary selection. These selections do not appear as separate selection nodes in the model tree. From the Color list, choose a color for highlighting the resulting objects selection. See Selection Colors and Creating Named Selections in the Mesh Sequence.