Delete Entities
Use Delete Entities () to delete geometric entities from a mesh, as seen in Figure 8-48.
Figure 8-48: A boundary (blue) is deleted from a mesh.
To add a Delete Entities node, select the entities to delete in the Graphics window, then choose one of the following:
Right-click in the Graphics window to open The Graphics Context Menu and select Delete Entities ().
Click Delete Entities () on The Mesh Toolbar.
Right-click Mesh node and select Delete Entities ().
Enter the properties for Delete Entities using the following sections:
Geometric Entity Selection
Define the geometric entities that you want to delete. You choose the geometric entity level from the Geometric entity level list: Choose Domain, Boundary, Edge, or Point to specify the domains, boundaries, edges, or vertices, respectively, that you want to delete or choose a named selection to refer to a previously defined selection. Use All domains, All boundaries, All edges, or All points to select all entities of the specified dimension.
Keep as Unmeshed Domains
In 3D, when Geometric entity level is set to Domain, select Keep as unmeshed domains (cleared by default) to only delete the domain elements while keeping the domains as unmeshed as well as keeping the adjacent meshed boundaries. Use the Free Tetrahedral operation to fill any unmeshed domain with tetrahedral elements.
Adjacent Entities
Select the Delete adjacent lower-dimensional entities check box to also delete the adjacent entities of lower space dimensions.
See STL Import 2 — Remeshing an Imported Mesh: Application Library path COMSOL_Multiphysics/Meshing_Tutorials/stl_vertebra_mesh_import.