Join Entities
Use Join Entities () to join adjacent geometric entities in a mesh, as shown in Figure 8-79.
Figure 8-79: Using the Join Entities operation to join the blue and gray boundaries of this mesh (left image). The right image shows the resulting mesh with one boundary.
To add a Join Entities () node, select the domains, boundaries, or edges to join in the Graphics window, then choose one of the following:
Right-click in the Graphics window and select Join Entities from The Graphics Context Menu.
In The Mesh Toolbar click the Join Entities () button.
Right-click a 2D or 3D Mesh node and select Join Entities ().
Then use the following sections to specify the geometric entities to join:
Geometric Entity Selection
Define the geometric entities that you want to join. You choose the geometric entity level from the Geometric entity level list: Choose Domain, Boundary, or Edge to specify the domains, boundaries, or edges, respectively, that you want to join or choose a named selection to refer to a previously defined selection. Use All domains, All boundaries, or All edges to select all entities of the specified dimension.
Adjacent Entities
Select the Join adjacent lower dimensional entities check box to also join the adjacent entities of lower dimensions (boundaries and edges for joined domains, for example).