Common Physics Interface and Feature Settings and Nodes
There are several common settings and sections available for the physics interfaces and feature nodes (Table 2-3). Some of these sections also have similar settings or are implemented in the same way no matter the physics interface or feature being used. There are also some physics feature nodes (Table 2-4) that display in COMSOL Multiphysics.
In each module’s documentation, only unique or extra information is included; standard information and procedures are centralized in this manual.
Table 2-3 has links to common sections and Table 2-4 to common feature nodes. You can also search for information: press F1 to open the Help window or Ctrl+F1 to open the Documentation window.
Show More Physics Options
To display additional sections and options for the physics interfaces (and other parts of the model tree), click the Show button () on the Model Builder and then select the applicable option.
After clicking the Show button, sections display on the Settings window when a node is clicked, or additional nodes are made available from the Physics toolbar or context menu.
Selecting Advanced Physics Options either adds an Advanced settings section or enables nodes in the context menu or Physics toolbar. In many cases these options are described in the individual documentation.
Selecting Advanced Study Options or Advanced Results Options enables options related to the Study or Results nodes, respectively.
For more information about the Show options, see Advanced Physics, Study, and Results Sections and The Model Builder.
Common Physics Settings Sections
Common Feature Nodes
Global Constraint. Also see the Constraint Settings section.
Pointwise Constraint. Also see the Constraint Settings section.
Using Symmetries and Physics Interface Axial Symmetry Node. There is also information for the Solid Mechanics interface about Axial Symmetry.
Weak Constraint. Also see the Constraint Settings section.