Model Inputs and Multiphysics Couplings
Model inputs can appear in an equation node’s or material model node’s Model Inputs section. Model inputs are fields such as temperature and velocities that act as inputs for material models and model equations. They appear in the Model Inputs section if a material is defined so that a material property becomes a function of the temperature, for example. COMSOL Multiphysics connects the model input to an existing field (dependent variable) within the physics interface (but not to available fields in other physics interfaces). For common multiphysics couplings, predefined multiphysics couplings are available under the Multiphysics node (see The Multiphysics Node). The following section is mostly useful for cases when such predefined couplings are not available.
With more than one physics interface in the model, coupling of the fields is easy: all applicable fields that can serve as inputs in another physics interface automatically appear in the other physics interface’s Settings window’s Model Inputs section. For example, with a Heat Transfer in Fluids (ht) interface and a Laminar Flow (spf) interface, you can select Velocity field (spf), which the Fluid Properties 1 {fp1} node in the Laminar Flow branch defines, from the Velocity field list in the Model Inputs section of the Settings window for Heat Transfer in Fluids. For a coupling in the other direction (if you use temperature-dependent fluid properties, for example), you can select Temperature (ht) from the Temperature list in the Model Inputs section of the Settings window for Fluid Properties.
When you have selected a model input from one of the lists, click the Go to Source button () next to the list to move directly to the node in the other physics interface that provides the model input. If more than one node contribute to the model input, choose which one to got to in the Contributing Entities dialog box. Then click OK to move to the selected node.
A list in the Model Inputs section becomes unavailable if the physics itself defines the field because it is then automatically connected to that field. For example, with a Heat Transfer in Fluids (ht) interface the Temperature list is unavailable in the Heat Transfer in Fluids 1 {fluid1} node. This automatic connection selects the Temperature (ht) field. As long as the list is unavailable, you cannot change it. If you want to use another temperature field or an expression, you first make the list editable by clicking the Make All Model Inputs Editable button ().
For this type of fluid-thermal coupling, the Multiphysics node provides a predefined Fluid Coupling node, which provides an easy way to set up this coupling without having to explicitly specify the model input.
In the case that you want to use another expression for these model inputs, select User defined and enter a value or expression in the associated text field.
See Marangoni Convection for an example of combining the Laminar Flow and Heat Transfer in Fluids interfaces (Application Library path COMSOL_Multiphysics/Multiphysics/marangoni_convection).