Using Symmetries
By using symmetries in a model you can reduce its size by one-half or more, making this an efficient tool for solving large problems. This applies to the cases where the geometries and modeling assumptions include symmetries.
The most important types of symmetries are axial symmetry, symmetry planes or lines, and antisymmetry planes or lines:
Axial symmetry is common for cylindrical and similar 3D geometries. If the geometry is axisymmetric, there are variations in the radial (r) and vertical (z) direction only and not in the angular (θ) direction. You can then solve a 2D problem in the rz-plane instead of the full 3D model, which can save considerable memory and computation time. Many physics interfaces are available in axisymmetric versions and take the axial symmetry into account.
Symmetry and antisymmetry planes or lines are common in both 2D and 3D models. Symmetry means that a model is identical on either side of a dividing line or plane. For a scalar field, the normal flux is zero across the symmetry line. In structural mechanics, the symmetry conditions are different. Antisymmetry means that the loading of a model is oppositely balanced on either side of a dividing line or plane. For a scalar field, the dependent variable is 0 along the antisymmetry plane or line. Structural mechanics applications have other antisymmetry conditions. Many physics interfaces have symmetry conditions directly available as nodes that you can add to the model tree.
To take advantage of symmetry planes and symmetry lines, all of the geometry, material properties, and boundary conditions must be symmetric, and any loads or sources must be symmetric or antisymmetric. You can then build a model of the symmetric portion, which can be half, a quarter, or an eighth of the full geometry, and apply the appropriate symmetry (or antisymmetry) boundary conditions.