Auxiliary Dependent Variable
If a complete equation is specified in weak form in a Weak Contribution (PDEs and Physics) or Weak Contribution on Mesh Boundaries node and a new dependent variable that is not part of the physics interface is used, right-click either of these nodes to add an Auxiliary Dependent Variable subnode.
Domain, Boundary, Edge, or Point Selection
In rare cases, more than one Auxiliary Dependent Variable node can be used on subsets of the Weak Contribution node’s selection (to use different initial values, for example).
Auxiliary Dependent Variable
Define the name and properties of the auxiliary dependent variable. Enter the:
Field variable name (the dependent variable).
Initial value for the dependent variable. The default is 0.
Initial time derivative for the dependent variable. The default is 0.
Under Discretization:
Except for the Compute boundary fluxes check box (which is not available), the rest of the settings are the same as for The Coefficient Form PDE Interfaces.
The value type of auxiliary dependent variables is always Complex when Split complex variables in real and imaginary parts is activated in the Compile Equations node of any solver sequence used.