Dataset Types and Attributes
The following tables list the available dataset types, including links to the description of the properties and settings of the dataset and the available dataset attributes:
Table 21-7:
Dataset Types.
Description and Plot Use
Array 1D, Array 2D, and Array 3D
Create 1D, 2D, and 3D arrays of other datasets, so that you can plot the same data in multiple locations as an array of plots.
Array Factor
Define array factors for use in setting up simplified models for radiation pattern plots in RF simulations of antenna arrays.
Average and Integral
Creates a dataset that computes the average of another dataset, for example to plot the average.
Contour (Dataset)
To analyze on 2D contour lines. Use this dataset for 2D arrow plots, 2D line plots, and 1D global plots.
Cut Line 2D and Cut Line 3D
To create lines through 2D and 3D geometry to visualize along the line. Use this dataset to create 2D or 3D cross-section line plots.
Cut Plane
Plots on cut planes are made on 3D datasets and can be visualized in either 2D or 3D plot groups.
Cut Point 1D, Cut Point 2D, and Cut Point 3D
Plot and evaluate a value in a certain point along time or along a parametric solution. Use this dataset to create 1D, 2D, or 3D cross-section point plots.
Edge 2D and Edge 3D
Plot and evaluate a value along a boundary (edge) in 2D or an edge in 3D. Use this dataset to create plots for data on edges.
Embed 1D and Embed 2D
To embed 1D data in 2D and 2D data in 3D.
Extrusion 1D and Extrusion 2D
To extrude data in postprocessing from 1D to 2D and from 2D to 3D.
To filter data using a lower bound, upper bound, or both a lower and upper bound.
Grid 1D, Grid 2D, and Grid 3D
Create a dataset that can evaluate functions or expressions from a solution dataset on a created domain with a grid.
Intersection Point 2D and Intersection Point 3D
Enable evaluation of expressions at the intersection points of particle or ray trajectories and a surface and evaluate intersection points with a more general surface. Requires the Particle Tracing Module or Ray Optics Module.
Isosurface (Dataset)
To visualize isosurfaces in 3D. Use this dataset to create arrow surface plots, surface plots, and contour plots. In addition, the contour dataset can be applied to the isosurface dataset.
To join the solution data from two Solution datasets. This makes it possible to evaluate and plot the difference between two solutions, for example.
Kernel Density Estimation
To compute the kernel density estimation (KDE) from a table with data.
Layered Material
To create a volume/domain (3D) dataset for a layered shell physics defined using a surface/boundary (2D) geometry and a built-in extra dimension (1D) geometry. Use this dataset to plot or evaluate layered shell quantities on a domain level or its lower dimensions. Requires the AC/DC Module, Composite Materials Module, or Heat Transfer Module.
Maximum and Minimum
Creates a dataset that computes the maximum or minimum of another dataset.
Mesh (Dataset)
To make a mesh available for visualization and results analysis. Use a Mesh node in a plot group to get the actual plot.
Mirror 2D and Mirror 3D
To extend a solution defined on one side of an axis to the other side of the axis. Useful for visualization of a solution to an axisymmetric problem or plane of reflection.
Parameterized Curve 2D and Parameterized Curve 3D
To visualize data along a general parameterized curve in 2D or 3D. Use this dataset to create a line plot in its original dimension and as a line graph plot in 1D.
Parameterized Surface
To visualize data on a general parameterized surface. Use this dataset with a surface plot in its original dimension and as any plot type in 2D.
Parametric Extrusion 1D and Parametric Extrusion 2D
To extend another dataset by using a parameter, such as time, as a dimension.
Particle (Dataset)
To visualize particle traces computed by a Particle Tracing interface. Requires the Particle Tracing Module.
Particle Bin
To organize particles into groups and treating each group as a single entity for the purpose of using other particle postprocessing features. Requires the Particle Tracing Module.
To partition a domain with respect to a set of isolevels and add elements corresponding to the isosurfaces or contours.
Ray (Dataset)
To visualize ray traces computed by a Geometrical Optics or Ray Acoustics interface. Requires the Ray Optics Module or the Acoustics Module.
Ray Bin
To organize rays into groups and treating each group as a single entity for the purpose of using other ray tracing features. Requires the Ray Optics Module or the Acoustics Module.
Receiver 2D and Receiver 3D
To visualize the impulse response for a ray acoustics simulation of, for example, room acoustics or underwater acoustics. Requires the Acoustics Module.
Response Spectrum 2D and Response Spectrum 3D
To perform a response spectrum analysis (a modal-based method for estimating the structural response to a transient, nondeterministic event). Requires the Structural Mechanics Module.
Revolution 1D and Revolution 2D
Use a revolution dataset to visualize a 2D or 1D axisymmetric solution in 3D and 2D, respectively.
Sector 2D and Sector 3D
To exploit symmetries in the model to reduce the model size and then, if needed, use rotations and reflections to plot the solution for the entire geometry.
To visualize the top and bottom surfaces of a shell in 3D. Requires the Structural Mechanics Module.
To make solutions available for visualization and results analysis. Solvers create Solution datasets automatically.
Spatial FFT
To convert a spatial solution to the frequency domain using FFT.
Surface (Dataset)
Plot and evaluate a value on surfaces (boundaries) in 3D. Use this dataset to create plots for data on surfaces.
Time Average and Time Integral
To compute the time average or time integral of time-dependent data from another dataset.
Transformation 2D and Transformation 3D
To perform a rotation or other affine transformation of data from another dataset.
Table 21-8:
Dataset Attributes.
Dataset Attribute
Add to these Dataset Types
Selection (Dataset Attribute)
Add a selection of geometric entities for which to include the data.
Solution, Mesh, and other datasets that contain data defined in the model.
Mesh Import Parameters
Choose a parameter for solution data in models with inner and outer solutions.
Filter and Partition
Common Results Node Settings