Transformation 2D and Transformation 3D
Use a Transformation 2D () or Transformation 3D () dataset to use a rotation or other affine transformation of the underlying 2D or 3D geometry. Right-click the Datasets node and choose these datasets from the More 2D Datasets and More 3D Datasets submenus, respectively. The supported transformations are scaling, rotating, and moving (translating), performed in that order.
From the Dataset list, choose the dataset to use as input for the transformation.
From the Transformation type list, choose Structured (the default) for a structured transformation where you specify separate scaling, rotation, and translation (moving) of the geometry, or choose General for a general transformation using base vectors (a translation matrix) and a translation vector.
Settings for a Structured Transformation
Select the Scale check box if you want to scale the geometry, and then enter scale factors in the x, y, and z (3D only) fields.
Select the Rotate check box if you want to rotate the geometry.
Then, in 3D only, choose the type of rotation axis from the Axis type list: X-axis, Y-axis, Z-axis, Cartesian, or Spherical. For Cartesian, specify the axis in the x, y, and z fields below. For Spherical, specify the θ and φ angles.
Specify the center of rotation in the x, y, and z (3D only) fields under Center of rotation.
Select the Move check box if you want to move (translate) the geometry, and then enter translations in the x, y, and z (3D only) fields.
If desired, you can edit the names of the created space variables for the transformed geometry in the x, y, and z (3D only) fields.