The Model Manager Workspace Windows
When you open the Model Manager workspace, you will see two windows in the COMSOL Desktop by default:
The Model Manager Window — used primarily to search for models and data files.
The Settings Window — used to show settings for various database objects, as well as update and save them in the database. See also Overview of a Model Manager Database.
You can always restore the COMSOL Desktop to this layout by clicking the Reset Desktop button () in the Layout section of The Home Toolbar. From the Windows menu () in the same section, you can open the following optional windows in the workspace:
The Comparison Result window — used to compare model versions saved in the database. See also Comparing Models Saved in Databases.
The Databases Window — used to browse, organize, and administer your configured databases via The Databases Tree.
The Commits Window — used to view the commit history of a branch, optionally filtered to only include commits that involve a particular item.
The Versions Window — used to view the version history of an item with respect to a branch.
The Maintenance Window — used to perform maintenance operations for item versions.
The References Window — used to view relations between model and file versions. See also The Auxiliary Data Window for Database Input and Output.
The Model Manager window, the Databases window, and the Maintenance window play a special role in the Model Manager workspace — whichever has focus determines the target for the buttons in The Home Toolbar and The Database Toolbar. You may, for example, have selected one model in the Databases window and another model in the Model Manager window. The window that has focus determines which model is opened if you click the Open button () in the Item section of the Home toolbar.
The selection in the Model Manager window, the Databases window, and the Maintenance window also determines what is shown in the Settings, Commits, Versions, and References windows, again depending on which one of these three former windows has focus.
You can turn off the automatic selection linking in the Settings, Commits, Versions, and References windows by clicking the Link with Selection button () in their respective toolbars. Click once more to turn on the linking.
The selection in the Databases window determines the searched location in the Model Manager window. If you select a branch tree node in The Databases Tree, for example, the Model Manager window will automatically switch to search with respect to that branch — see also Searching Versions. Similarly, if you change the searched location via The Select Location Dialog Box in the Model Manager window, the corresponding tree node is selected in The Databases Tree.