The Home Toolbar
The Home toolbar contains buttons for the more commonly performed tasks in the Model Manager workspace.
The Workspace Section
This section contains buttons for switching to other workspaces in the COMSOL Desktop:
The Model Builder button () or Physics Builder button (), depending on if a model or physics is opened in the COMSOL Desktop. You can also use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+M.
The Application Builder button () if running on Windows®. You can also use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+A.
The Database section
This section contains buttons for adding databases, switching the active database in the Model Manager workspace, as well as importing and exporting items in a database.
The Activate Database button, to refresh the active database in the workspace. Click the lower part of the button and select one of the databases to set it as active. See Activating a Database.
The Add Database button (), to open the Add Database window for adding a new database. See The Add Database Window.
The Import button (), to import files from the file system into a database. See Importing Files.
The Export button (), to export items from a database to the file system. See Exporting Items.
The New Tag button (), to create a new tag in a database. See Creating New Tags.
The Item Section
This section contains buttons that target items in the database — that is, models, data files, and tags.
The Open button () to open a model in the COMSOL Desktop. See Opening Models.
The Run button () to launch and run an application in the COMSOL Desktop. See Running Applications.
The Preview File button () to open a data file using the default application for its file type. See Previewing Files.
The Compare button () to compare models in the Comparison Result window. See Comparing Models.
The Set Tags button () to set the assigned tags of models, data files, or other tags. See Assigning Tags to Items.
The Delete button () to delete items. This action is not permanent and can be reverted. See Deleting Items.
The Layout Section
The Layout section contains the following functionality for opening and rearranging windows in the Model Manager workspace:
The Windows menu (), for opening windows that are closed by default.
The Reset Desktop button (), to reset the desktop layout to its default state. This will close all windows except The Model Manager Window and The Settings Window.