The Maintenance Window
The Maintenance window in the Model Manager workspace may be used to perform maintenance operations targeting versions added to the window from The Model Manager Window and the The Databases Window. This includes, for example, clearing Built, Computed, and Plotted Data from model versions or Permanently Deleting Models and Data Files. You can also use it as a browsing tool for exploring the total version footprint of items that you have added to the window from other windows in the workspace.
The model and file versions are shown in a table, with the versions grouped together in top level table rows based on how they were added to the window:
Versions added via a Version Selection () are shown first with one table row per version.
Versions added as an Item Selection () are shown as one table row per item. Click the triangle symbol next to the icon to show versions belonging to the item or the item’s drafts as separate table rows.
All versions in all repositories and branches that an item has been saved to and that you are authorized to see are included.
Versions added as a Search Result () are shown as a single table row representing the search expression — click the triangle symbol to show versions matching the search expression.
The versions under an Item Selection () or a Search Result () are sorted in chronological order. A maximum of 100 most recently saved versions are initially shown. Click the triangle symbol for a Show More table row () to append the next 100 versions to the table. You can set another value for this default page size in the Result Page Size field on the Model Manager page in the Preferences dialog box.
The table columns are:
The Target column — a description of the targeted versions. The title in the case of a single version, a representative title chosen from one of its versions in the case of an item, or a summary of the search expression in the case of a search result.
The Saved column — the time when a version was saved.
The Saved By column — the name of the user that saved a version.
The Repository column — the repository that a version was saved in.
The Branch column — the branch that a version was saved in.
The Comments column — the optional comment provided when a version was saved.
Viewing the version table rows under an item in the Maintenance window as “the version history” of a model or file can often be misleading. Since versions of a model’s drafts are included in the table, and these drafts may have been worked on in parallel by multiple users, going from one version to the next in the table may not represent how the model has evolved over time. A similar observation holds when a model or file has been worked on in parallel on multiple branches. A more honest version history of an item is best viewed from The Versions Window.
The Maintenance Window Toolbar
The toolbar in the Maintenance window contains the following toolbar buttons:
Click the Refresh button () to refresh the table in case any new versions have been saved. The table will automatically refresh if you save a new version to the database from the COMSOL Desktop.
Click the Clear button () to the clear the table.
Click the Remove from Maintenance button () to remove top level table rows from the table.
The Settings Window for Items
The top level table row for an Item Selection () in the Maintenance window is a representation of the item itself in the database. The Settings window shows a summary of the item and its associated versions in the database.
The General Section
This section shows the database of the item in the Database field and its item save type in the Item save type field.
The Disk Space Usage Section
This section shows disk space usage statistics of the item and all its drafts. The fields are:
Versions — the total number of versions of the item and the item’s drafts.
Data — the disk space usage of the versions in bytes.
Computed data — the disk space usage of all Built, Computed, and Plotted Data of the versions in bytes.
Estimating Disk Space Usage as a Maintenance Operation
You can estimate the total disk space usage of versions targeted in the Maintenance window. From the Disk Space Usage menu () in the The Statistics Section on The Maintenance Toolbar, select Version Selection () or Item Selection () to estimate the disk space usage for the current table selection. Select All in Maintenance () to estimate the disk space usage for all versions in the Maintenance window, independent of any table selection or if all Show More table rows () have been expanded.
Clearing Computed Data as a Maintenance Operation
You can clear built, computed, and plotted data of model versions targeted in the Maintenance window. From the Clear Computed Data menu () in the The Computed Data Section on The Maintenance Toolbar, select Version Selection () to clear such data from the current selection of versions. For a selection of items, select Item Selection () to clear all versions of the models and their drafts. To only clear the item’s drafts, select Drafts of Item Selection (). Select All in Maintenance () to clear such data of all versions in the Maintenance window, independent of any table selection or if all Show More table rows () have been expanded.
You will be asked to confirm that you want to clear the built, computed, and plotted data of the model versions.
Clearing computed data of versions in the database is done via batched transactions. You may stop the clearing at any point by clicking the Stop button, but all versions processed up to that point will already have been permanently cleared. Clearing a model version in itself does not physically delete the computed data — the data may, for example, be shared with other versions via deduplication. Once all batches of versions have been cleared, Model Manager will automatically proceed by permanently deleting all computed data that is no longer used by any version via a separate database cleanup operation.
Permanently Deleting Versions as a Maintenance Operation
You can permanently delete versions targeted in the Maintenance window. From the Permanently Delete menu () in the The Versions Section on The Maintenance Toolbar, select Version Selection () to permanently delete the current selection of versions. For a selection of items, select Item Selection () to permanently delete all versions of the items and their drafts. To only permanently delete the item’s drafts, select Drafts of Item Selection (). Select All in Maintenance () to permanently delete all versions in the Maintenance window, independent of any table selection or if all Show More table rows () have been expanded.
You will be asked to confirm that you want to proceed with the permanent deletion of the versions.
Model Manager does not allow permanently deleting a version if that version is referenced by another version that is not set to be deleted. If you include such a version when targeting an explicit selection in the Maintenance window, the permanent deletion will be immediately canceled by Model Manager with nothing deleted in the database. If you include such a version for the All in Maintenance option (), that version will be excluded from the deletion but the deletion of other versions will still be allowed to proceed.
Permanently deleting versions in the database is done via batched transactions. You may stop the deletion at any point by clicking the Stop button, but all versions processed up to that point will already have been permanently deleted. Any data that potentially may be shared with other versions via deduplication will not be deleted during this initial batch processing. Once all batches of versions have been deleted, Model Manager will automatically proceed by permanently deleting data that is no longer used by any version via a separate database cleanup operation.