The Heat Transfer Interfaces
Under the Heat Transfer group, physics and multiphysics interfaces are either directly under the group node, or organized in subgroups:
The following sections quickly present the interfaces directly under the group node.
The Heat Transfer in Solids Interface
By default, the Heat Transfer in Solids interface () describes heat transfer by conduction. It can also account for heat flux due to translation in solids (for example, the rotation of a disk or the linear translation of a shaft) as well as for solid deformation, including volume or surface changes. In the case of irreversible thermally induced transformation, it accounts for the enthalpy and material properties changes.
The Heat Transfer in Fluids Interface
The Heat Transfer in Fluids interface () accounts for conduction and convection in gases and liquids as the default heat transfer mechanisms. The coupling to the flow field in the convection term is automatically set when the Nonisothermal Flow multiphysics coupling is used. Otherwise, it may be entered manually in the physics interface, or it may be selected from a list that couples heat transfer to an existing fluid flow interface. The Heat Transfer in Fluids interface can be used when the flow field has already been calculated and the heat transfer problem is added afterward, typically for simulations of forced convection.
The Heat Transfer in Solids and Fluids Interface
The Heat Transfer in Solids and Fluids interface () contains solids and fluids domains by default. It is aimed to simplify the setup of models where capabilities of Heat Transfer in Solids interface () and Heat Transfer in Fluids interface () are used, in particular in conjugate heat transfer applications.
The Lumped Thermal System Interface
The Lumped Thermal System interface () extends the heat transfer modeling possibility to the discrete thermal systems. The external terminal feature connects a lumped thermal system to a finite element model in any dimension. This is particularly helpful to reduce dramatically the models complexity, for example to describe thermal interaction between parts in large assemblies. Several classical devices like conductive or radiative thermal resistor are predefined. In addition advanced devices, heat pipe and thermoelectric module, and user’s defined subsystems are available.
The Bioheat Transfer Interface
The Bioheat Transfer interface () is a dedicated interface for heat transfer in living tissue. In addition to data such as thermal conductivity, heat capacity, and density, tabulated data is available for blood perfusion rates and metabolic heat sources. Tissue damage integral models based on a temperature threshold or an energy absorption model can also be included.
The Heat Transfer in Pipes Interface
The Heat Transfer in Pipes interface () accounts for conduction and convection heat transfer. It is used when the velocity and pressure fields of the fluid flow are known a priori and the pipes can be represented by a 1D line with a constant cross-sectional shape. This reduces the complexity to a 1D model and can provide the temperature field or thermal losses along the pipe.
The Thermoelectric Effect Interface
The Thermoelectric Effect interface () combines the Electric Currents and the Heat Transfer in Solids interfaces with capabilities for modeling thermoelectric effects (Peltier-Seebeck-Thomson effects) as well as Joule heating (resistive heating). This multiphysics coupling accounts for Peltier heat source or sink and resistive losses in the Heat Transfer interfaces as well as for the current induced by the Seebeck effect and for the temperature dependency of material properties in the Electric Currents interface. This physics interface is automatically paired with the AC/DC module capabilities for advanced modeling of electric effects.