About The Thermoelectric Effect Interface
When the predefined Thermoelectric Effect interface () is added (found under the Heat Transfer branch () of the Model Wizard or Add Physics windows), it combines the Electric Currents and the Heat Transfer in Solids interfaces for modeling Peltier-Seebeck-Thomson effects in domains and on boundaries. In addition, the Electromagnetic Heating and the Thermoelectric Effect multiphysics couplings are added automatically.
The multiphysics couplings add the thermoelectric effect, the electromagnetic power dissipation, and the electromagnetic material properties, which can depend on the temperature.
Depending on the product license, stationary, time-domain, and frequency-domain modeling are supported in all space dimensions. In addition, combinations of frequency-domain modeling for the Electric Currents interface and stationary modeling for the Heat Transfer in Solids interface, called frequency-stationary and frequency-transient modeling, are supported.
On the Constituent Physics Interfaces
As a predefined multiphysics coupling, the Electric Currents and Heat Transfer in Solids interfaces are added to the Model Builder. In addition, a Multiphysics node is added, which includes the Thermoelectric Effect and Electromagnetic Heating multiphysics coupling features. Additional features describing the thermal and electrical effects on boundaries need to be active in each interface to account for the effect also on boundaries.
The Electric Currents interface calculates the electric field, current, and potential distributions in conducting media under conditions where inductive effects are negligible; that is, when the skin depth is much larger than the studied device. Depending on the licensed products, time and frequency domain formulations that account for capacitive effects are also provided. The Electric Currents interface solves a current conservation equation based on Ohm’s law using the scalar electric potential as the dependent variable. An Electric Shielding feature may be added to compute the thermoelectric effect also on boundaries.
The Heat Transfer in Solids interface provides features for modeling heat transfer by conduction, convection, and radiation. A Solid model is active by default on all domains. All functionality for including other domain types, like a fluid domain, is also available. The temperature equation defined in solid domains corresponds to the differential form of the Fourier’s law that may contain additional contributions like heat sources. The thermoelectric effect in domains is added through a contribution to the conductive flux. A Thin Layer feature may be added to account for the thermoelectric effect also on boundaries.
As an Add-on Multiphysics Coupling
The Thermoelectric Effect multiphysics coupling is also available when there is any version of the Heat Transfer or Heat Transfer in Shells interface and one of the compatible AC/DC interface: