The Thin Structures Interfaces
The Thin Structures interfaces () provide efficient models defined at the boundaries level but that represent thin three-dimensional domains. Three different interfaces come with different default features:
The Heat Transfer in Shells Interface
The Heat Transfer in Shells interface () contains descriptions for heat transfer in shell structures where large temperature variations may be present. Thin conductive shells correspond to the simplest model, where the shell is represented as homogeneous and the temperature differences across the thickness of the structure material are neglected. Thin layered shells can represent a multilayered structure with heterogeneous material properties and compute the temperature variation across the shell sides. Typical examples of these structures are tanks, pipes, heat exchangers, airplane fuselages, and so forth. This physics interface can be combined with other Heat Transfer interfaces. For example, the Heat Transfer in Shells interface may be used to model the walls of a tank, while the Heat Transfer in Fluids interface may be used to model the fluid inside the tank. In many cases, using the Thin Layer boundary condition, found in the Heat Transfer interfaces, produces the easiest solution.
The Heat Transfer in Films Interface
The Heat Transfer in Films interface () implements a model to describe the temperature field in films. The simplest model for thermally thin films assumes that the temperature changes through the film thickness can be neglected. This computationally effective model is sufficient in many cases. The general model computes the temperature variation across the film. Typical applications include when the sides of the film are exposed to different temperature or when heat is dissipated in the film.
The Heat Transfer in Fractures Interface
The Heat Transfer in Fractures interface () describes heat transfer in a thin porous media. The simplest model assumes that the temperature changes through the fracture thickness can be neglected, while the general model computes the temperature variation across the fracture.