The Heat and Moisture Transport Interfaces
The Heat and Moisture Transport interfaces () are multiphysics interfaces coupling heat transfer with moisture transport. Several interfaces are available to study the transport of heat and moisture in different media:
The Moist Air Interface
The Moist Air interface () combines the Heat Transfer in Moist Air interface with the Moisture Transport in Air interface. It is used to simulate the coupling between heat transfer and vapor transport in air and the evaporation and condensation on walls.
The Moist Porous Media interface
The Moist Porous Media interface () combines the Heat Transfer in Moist Porous Media and Moisture Transport in Porous Media interfaces. It is used to simulate the coupling between heat transfer and moisture transport in liquid and gas phases in the pores of the medium.
The Building Materials Interface
The Building Materials interface () combines the Heat Transfer in Building interface with the Moisture Transport in Building Materials interface. It can be used to model different moisture variations phenomena in building components such as drying of initial construction moisture, condensation due to migration of moisture from outside to inside, or moisture accumulation by interstitial condensation due to diffusion.