Helical Rack
Use this node to model a Helical Rack in 2D and 3D. The rack is assumed to be rigid. Select one or more domains to make them a part of the rack.
A helical rack can be connected to a Spur Gear, or a Helical Gear through the Rack and Pinion node. A rack can be connected to a pinion only if they satisfy the Gear Pair Compatibility Criteria.
Rack Properties
Specify the properties of a rack in this section.
Enter Pitch p.
Enter Pressure angle α.
Enter Helix angle β.
See Spur Rack for the list of subnodes and the following settings — Sketch, Rack Axis, Density, Center of Rotation, and Initial Values.
Location in User Interface
Context Menus
Multibody Dynamics>Gears>Helical Rack
Physics tab with Multibody Dynamics selected:
Domains>Gears>Helical Rack