Spur Rack
Use this node to model a Spur Rack in 2D and 3D. The rack is assumed to be rigid. Select one or more domains to make them a part of the rack.
A spur rack can be connected to a Spur Gear, or a Helical Gear through the Rack and Pinion node. A rack can be connected to a pinion only if they satisfy the Gear Pair Compatibility Criteria.
Rack Properties
Specify the properties of a rack in this section.
Enter Pitch p.
Enter Pressure angle α.
Rack Axis
The rack axis is the axis of translation of the rack. To define the axis, choose — Specify direction, or Select a parallel edge.
For Specify direction enter a value or expression for er. The default is (1, 0, 0). The direction is specified in the selected coordinate system.
For Select a parallel edge an edge can be selected on the Rack Axis subnode, which is added automatically. The vector from the first to the last end of the edge is used to define the rack axis. Any edge in the model can be used. Select the Reverse direction check box to reverse the direction of the rack axis..
See Spur Gear for the list of subnodes and the following settings — Sketch, Density, Center of Rotation, and Initial Values.
Location in User Interface
Context Menus
Multibody Dynamics>Gears>Spur Rack
Physics tab with Multibody Dynamics selected:
Domains>Gears>Spur Rack