Add all other primitives as in Table 7-1 and Geometric Primitives. Also see the geometry parts available in the Part Libraries.
1 For cross-platform users (Mac and Linux), the combination of buttons that display is dependent on the toolbar setting. For example, some buttons may not be visible if the Tools>Toolbar Display Mode is set to Normal and the Tools>Toolbar Button Label is set to Show Icon and Text. It also depends on whether you are using a Widescreen or Regular Screen Layout. It also depends if the button is available on the Work Plane toolbar, in which case it may be visible.
2 For cross-platform users, this option is available from a different toolbar or menu. See Cross Platform (Mac and Linux) Toolbars and Menus.
3 These features are available for the LiveLink and CAD products, and you must use the CAD kernel for the geometry representation.
Draw line segments, quadratic curve segments, and cubic curve segments of a Bézier Polygon in the Graphics window.
To draw a Rectangle or Square select Rectangle, Square, Rectangle (Center), or Square (Center) from the menu. Then, click a corner (or the center) of the square or rectangle in the Graphics window. Drag the mouse to the desired position of a corner. When the mouse button is released, a square or rectangle appears and a Square or Rectangle node is added to the geometry sequence.
To draw a Circle or Ellipse, select Circle, Ellipse, Circle (Corner), or Ellipse (Corner) from the menu. Then, click the center (or a corner of the bounding box) of the circle or ellipse in the Graphics window. Drag the mouse to the desired position of a corner of the bounding box. When the mouse button is released, a circle or ellipse appears and an Ellipse or Circle node is added to the geometry sequence.