Measuring Geometry Objects
To measure a set of geometric objects or entities selected in the Graphics window, click the Measure button () on the Geometry toolbar (this button is also available on the Mesh toolbar). The result appears in The Messages Window:
Another way to measure geometry objects, is to right-click the Geometry node and select Measure () from the context menu. This opens the Measure window, which has the following contents:
The Measure window is a tool to measure geometry objects and entities. You can, for example, measure the volume, area, or length of a selected domain, face, or edge. Also view the coordinates of a vertex, the distance between two vertices, or the number of entities and the geometry representation (requires a license for the CAD Import Module) of an object.
Geometry Type
From the Type of geometry list, select to measure geometry objects (the default) or the finalized geometry.
From the Geometric entity level list, select Object, Domain, Boundary, Edge, or Point. Then select some objects or entities of the selected type to add to the list.
Under Measurements you find information about these objects or entities. For objects, this section contains the total number of domains, boundaries, edges, and points, and the geometry representation. For domains, boundaries, and edges, their total volume, area, or length appears. If you select a point, its coordinates are shown. If you select two points, the distance is shown.
You can add a Mass Properties node to define variables for mass properties such as the total volume, total mass, and the center of mass.