The Concrete subnode includes three different material models for modeling concrete and other quasibrittle materials with similar properties:
These material models can be used together with Linear Elastic Material and
Nonlinear Elastic Material. It is available with the Geomechanics Module.
Concrete is available for 3D, 2D, and 2D axisymmetry.
Select a Material model —
Coupled damage–plasticity,
Mazars damage, or
Perfect plasticity, then follow the instructions below.
Enter the uniaxial Tensile strength σts, and
Compressive strength σcs. These parameters are by default taken
From material. When
User defined, enter other values or expressions.
The Biaxial compressive strength σbc is defined as
σbc = 1.16
σcs when set to
From default suggestion. Other values can be used if set to
From Material or
User defined.
The Compressive yield stress σcy controls when plastic deformation starts. It is defined
σcy = 0.3
σcs when set to
From default suggestion. Other values can be used if set to
From Material or
User defined.
The settings in the Tension softening section controls the post-peak response of the model when loaded in tension. Select the type of softening function — Linear,
User–defined strain,
User–defined displacement, or
None. Selecting
None disables the tensile damage model. The
Bilinear curve is used by default.
When Linear,
Cornelissen, or
Exponential is selected, specify how to set the
Tensile fracture energy Gft—
From material,
From strain limit,
From displacement limit, or
User defined. If necessary, also enter a value for the
Characteristic length lct.
Using the Cornelissen, Exponential, or a User defined softening function requires solving an extra nonlinear equation to determine the tensile damage variable.
The settings in the Compression softening section controls the post-peak response of the model when loaded in compression. Select the type of softening function — Linear,
User–defined strain,
User–defined displacement, or
None. Selecting
None disables the tensile damage model. The
Linear curve is used by default.
When Linear,
Bilinear, or
Exponential is selected, specify how to set the
Compressive fracture energy Gfc—
From material,
From strain limit,
From displacement limit, or
User defined. By default
From strain limit is used with a value equal to 1e-4. If necessary, also enter a value for the
Characteristic length lcc.
Enter a value for the Ductility parameter As. The parameter affects the softening response under multiaxial stress states. The default is 10.
Using the Exponential, or a User defined softening function requires solving an extra nonlinear equation to determine the compressive damage variable.
Select a spatial regularization method for the tensile damage model — Crack band or
None. By default the
Crack band method is used for the tensile response.
Select a spatial regularization method for the compressive damage model — Crack band or
None. By default the no regularization is used in compression.
If the Crack band method is used in either tension or compression, specify the
Crack band calculation —
Element volume/area or
Element size. The
Element volume/area setting computes a representative crack band based on the mesh element type, whereas the
Element size always picks the longest edge of the mesh element. See
Spatial Regularization for details.
Select the type of Equivalent strain —
Modified Mazars, or
User defined. See
Mazars Damage for Concrete for details.
Enter the Shear exponent β, the default is set to
Select the Tensile damage evolution —
Mazars function, or
User defined.
For Linear, Exponential, Polynomial, and Multilinear, enter the Tensile strength σts, the default is to take the value From material. Also specify how to define the Tensile fracture energy Gft — From material, From strain limit, From displacement limit, or User defined. The default is to take the value From material.If necessary, also enter a value for the Characteristic length lct. For the Multilinear option, also enter a value for the Shape factor λ, the default is set to 0.5.
For Mazars function, enter the Tensile strain threshold ε0t, and the Tensile damage parameters At and Bt.
For User defined, enter an expression for the Tensile damage evolution function dt(κ).
Select the Compressive damage evolution —
Mazars function or
User defined.
For Mazars function, enter the Compressive strain threshold ε0c, and the Compressive damage evolution parameters Ac and Bc.
For User defined, enter an expression for the Compressive damage evolution function dc(κ).
Select the type of Spatial regularization method —
Crack band, or
Implicit gradient. See
Spatial Regularization for details.
For the Crack band method select the type of Crack band calculation — Element volume/area or Element size.
For the Implicit gradient method enter the Length scale lint. If the Fracture energy per area was selected as Strain softening input, enter also the Characteristic size of the damage dissipation zone hdmg. The Implicit gradient method is available in the Solid Mechanics and Layered Shell interfaces.
Select the type of Viscous regularization method —
None or
Delayed Damage.
For the Delayed damage method, enter the
Characteristic time τ. The Delayed damage method is intended for time-dependent studies, and adds no contributions for other study types. See
Viscous Regularization for details.
Select a Yield function—
Willam–Warnke, or
Ottosen. The default values for the material parameters are taken
From material. For
User defined choices, enter other values or expressions.
When Bresler–Pister or
Willam–Warnke is selected, enter the
Tensile strength σts,
Compressive strength σcs, and
Biaxial compressive strength σbc.
When Ottosen is selected enter he
Compressive strength σcs, Ottosen parameters
a and
Size factor k1, and
Shape factor k2.
This section is available for the Perfect plasticity material model. If required, select either
None or
Principal stress cutoff.
When Principal stress cutoff is selected from the list, enter a value or expression for the
Maximum tensile stress σt. Use this to constrain the concrete model with an extra yield surface, which limits the maximum principal tensile stress.
This section is available for the Coupled damage–plasticity and
Mazars damage material models.
For both material models, enter the Maximum damage. This settings controls the residual stiffness of the material when fully damaged kept for numerical stability. The default is 1-1e-5.
When the Coupled damage–plasticity model is selected, this section allows you to enter values for several advanced model parameters modify the behavior of the model. In the majority of cases the default values results in a good prediction.
The Dilatancy parameter Df controls the amount of volumetric plastic deformation during compressive loading. It can be considered as the ratio of the absolute values of lateral and axial plastic strains during uniaxial compression. The default value is 0.85.
The Hardening modulus Hp controls the evolution of the yield surface during plastic flow. Its value must be set between 0 and σcy / σcs. The default value is 0.05.
The Hardening ductility parameter Ah, Bh, Ch, and Dh controls the evolution of the scalar hardening variable and can be used to adjust the ductility of the yield surface for different loadings. The default values are 0.08, 0.003, 2, and 1e-6.
To display this section, click the Show More Options button (

) and select
Advanced Physics Options in the
Show More Options dialog box
Select the Local method to solve the plasticity problem —
Automatic or
Backward Euler. When
Backward Euler is selected, it is possible to specify the maximum number of iterations and the relative tolerance used to solve the local plasticity equations. Enter the following settings:
Maximum number of local iterations. To determine the maximum number of iteration in the Newton loop when solving the local plasticity equations. The default value is 25 iterations.
Relative tolerance. To check the convergence of the local plasticity equations based on the step size in the Newton loop. The final tolerance is computed based on the current solution of the local variable and the entered value. The default value is 1e-6.
To display this section, click the Show More Options button (

) and select
Advanced Physics Options in the
Show More Options dialog box.
Physics tab with Linear Elastic Material or
Nonlinear Elastic Material node selected in the model tree: