About Joints
A joint is used to allow a certain type of relative motion between the two components it connects. A joint is a global feature that needs two attachments, one from each component. One attachment acts as a source and the other as a destination.
The two attachments belonging to a joint can be Attachment features, Rigid Material features, or a combination of the two. The source attachment can also be set to be either fixed or to have a given Base motion. In the case of a fixed attachment, it cannot translate or rotate. This avoids the modeling of extra fixed rigid domains when a structure is “grounded”. The base motion is a generalization of the fixed attachment, where the environment to which it is attached can have a prescribed displacement, velocity, or acceleration.
The source attachment moves independently in space, whereas the destination attachment is constrained to follow the source attachment allowing for some relative degrees of freedom in the form of translation or rotation. The relative degrees of freedom are determined by the type of joint. In each joint, the relative degrees of freedom are represented by ODE variables.
The degrees of freedom that are constrained in a joint can be rigidly constrained or contain some relative elastic displacement.
The rest of this section has these topics:
Joint Types and Degrees of Freedom
Table 2-1 lists the joint types for 3D models based on the possible relative degrees of freedom.
Table 2-2 lists the available joint features for 2D models:
Selecting Attachments
There are no rules for how to select the source or destination attachment for a joint, but one selection can be more convenient than the other. The only difference is that the interpretation of certain quantities changes if the source and destination are swapped. Some of the important quantities and the relationship with the source and destination attachments are:
In the Ball Joint and Slot Joint, the inclination angle is the angle between the reference axis and the destination axis. The axial rotation occurs about the destination axis. This reference axis is defined on the source attachment.
In the Planar Joint, all axes in its subnodes follow the source attachment.
Positioning the Joint Center
You can position the center of a joint in different ways:
Joint Axis and Local Coordinate System
The local coordinate system of a joint, which can be seen as rigidly connected to the source attachment, consists of three axes: joint axis (e1), second axis (e2), and third axis (e3). You specify the initial direction joint axis (e10), using one of the following methods:
Method 1: Give the components explicitly in a selected coordinate system.
Method 2: Select one of the axes of a selected coordinate system.
Method 3: Select an edge that is parallel to the joint axis.
For all methods, the axis is normalized to give a unit vector.
Constraints are used to restrict the relative motion between the two components sharing a joint. You can specify the upper and lower bound of the relative motion. Applying constraints on the relative motion can be interpreted as placing an imaginary stopper that restricts the motion of the destination attachment with respect to the source attachment in a prescribed direction.
The Locking feature is used to lock the relative motion between the two components connected to a joint. You specify limits on the relative motion in the form of an upper and lower bound. This can be interpreted as an imaginary object (like a snap hook) that locks one of the free relative degrees of freedom of the destination attachment when it reaches the limiting value.
The Locking feature differs from Constraints in that the value of the particular joint degree of freedom becomes constant for the rest of the analysis after it attains its prescribed limiting value.
Springs and Dampers on Joints
You can use the Spring and Damper feature to apply a spring or a dashpot to act on the relative motion in a joint. A dashpot can be used to account for various kinds of losses at the joint. The spring can be given a predeformation so that the spring equilibrium position is not the same as the initial state.
Elasticity in Joints
In the directions in which relative motion is not allowed in a joint, the default case is that the source and destination attachments are rigidly connected. It is possible to instead insert an elastic connection by setting Joint Elasticity to Elastic joint in the settings for the joint. There are several occasions when you may want to use this option:
In addition to the elasticity, you can also add viscous damping to a degree of freedom selected as being elastic.
Prescribed Motion
With Prescribed Motion you can control the relative motion in a joint, either by prescribing the displacement or the velocity. This is useful when the degrees of freedom in the joint are not free but are a known function of time. This is common in the field of robotics, for example.
Evaluating reaction force for the prescribed motion by selecting Evaluate reaction forces in the Reaction force settings section of the settings for Prescribed Motion has several benefits over evaluating it using joint forces and moments computed using weak constraints:
Applied Forces and Moments on Joints
The Applied Force and Moment feature is used to apply forces and moments on all types of joints. It can be applied at the source or destination joint attachment, or directly to the joint degrees of freedom.
The Friction feature is used to add frictional loss to a joint. It is available for Prismatic Joint, Hinge Joint, Cylindrical Joint, Screw Joint, Planar Joint, and Ball Joint.
The friction force is modeled using a continuous friction law, which is capable of modeling sliding-sticking phenomena. A strict application of Coulomb’s law involves discrete transition from sticking to sliding and vice versa, as dictated by a vanishing relative velocity. These discrete transitions cause numerical difficulties and to avoid them, the friction force is approximated with a continuous friction law:
where Ff is the friction force, μ is the frictional coefficient, N is the normal force, v is the slip velocity, and v0 is the characteristic slip velocity. The term
is called the regularization factor.
The regularization factor is used to smoothen the friction force discontinuity. The characteristic slip velocity should be chosen to be small in comparison to the characteristic relative velocities encountered during the simulation. The continuous friction law describes both sliding and sticking behavior; that is, it completely replaces Coulomb’s law. Sticking is replaced by creeping between the contacting bodies with a small relative velocity.
Computing Joint Forces and Moments
It is often of interest to evaluate the internal forces (the reaction forces) in a joint. There are three ways to compute forces and moments — Summing Reaction Forces Over the Boundaries, or Using Weak Constraints, or Using Penalty Formulation.
The joint forces and moments are evaluated in the global spatial coordinate system as well as in a joint local coordinate system. The joint forces and moments are referred to the center of joint in the current position. For the joints that have translational degrees of freedom, the center of joint should be interpreted as fixed to the source side.
When a joint connects two rigid bodies, the default is not to compute the joint forces. The reason is that it is common that rigid body systems are overconstrained, and then numerical problems can occur.
Summing Reaction Forces Over the Boundaries
This is the default method for computing the joint forces and moments for elastic objects. The computation can be done on either the source or destination attachment. The convention is that the force and moment are the ones acting on the attachment from the joint. The sign changes if you switch between using the source or destination attachment for the evaluation.
Using Weak Constraints
When using weak constraints, the joint constraints are applied in a weak form, and the values of the Lagrange multipliers give the joint forces and moments. This works for both flexible and rigid components. The use of Lagrange multipliers can, however, have an effect on the structure of the equation system, which limits the solvers that can be used.
The sign convention in this case is that the forces and moments should be interpreted as acting on the destination attachment.
Using Penalty Formulation
When using the penalty formulation, the constraints in the joint are implemented as stiff springs. You have to provide a penalty factor, which essentially is the spring constant. The penalty method will thus not fulfill the constraints exactly, but it has the advantage of making the model less sensitive to overconstraints.
Initial Values of Joint Degrees of Freedom
You do not need to supply separate initial values for joint degrees of freedom. They are consistently initialized from the degrees of freedom for a material model, either a displacement field in a flexible component or the ODE degrees of freedom in a rigid component.
Creating Joints Automatically
The Create Joints option automatically creates Joint nodes from the geometry sequence, based on the shape of the boundaries. This option requires Identity Boundary Pair nodes created under Definitions. If the Source Boundaries and Destination Boundaries are of same standard shape, this option creates one Joint node for each active Identity Boundary Pair.
In 3D, planar, cylindrical, and spherical are the allowed boundary shapes, for which automatic joint creation is possible. In 2D, joints can be formed for straight and circular boundaries. The possible shapes of boundaries for automatic joint creation are listed under Joint types.
For 3D geometries, if both Source Boundaries and Destination Boundaries of the Identity Boundary Pair are of planar shape, a Prismatic Joint or a Planar Joint can be selected under Planar boundaries. For Cylindrical boundaries, the joint can be a Hinge Joint, a Cylindrical Joint, or a Prismatic Joint. Using Spherical boundaries, a Ball Joint or a Hinge Joint can be automatically created between spherically shaped boundaries of an Identity Boundary Pair.
For 2D geometries, a Prismatic Joint can be formed between the Straight boundaries. For Circular boundaries, a Hinge Joint can be automatically created between them.
For the above cases, two additional options Fixed Joint and None are available. If you want to create a Fixed Joint between similar shaped boundaries, use the Fixed Joint option. Similarly, if you do not want to create any Joint node between the boundaries of a particular shape, choose the None option in the corresponding menu, under Joint types.
To automatically create Identity Boundary Pair nodes between geometrically disconnected objects, set the geometry sequence finalization step to Form Assembly from the default Form Union. If you want to automatically generate a joint node between any boundaries which are not part of the existing identity boundary pairs, create a new Identity Boundary Pair node with desired boundaries selected.
If the selection of Source Boundaries and Destination Boundaries contain mixed shape boundaries, it is not possible to automatically create any types of joints between them.
The Create Joints functionality only works for models with a geometry sequence. For models containing only a mesh, this functionality does not automatically create joints.
If you do not want to create joints between boundaries of a few specified Identity Boundary Pair nodes, temporarily disable them before clicking the Create Joints button. This will omit these boundaries from automatic joint creation.
After setting the joint type for each of the boundary shape, click the Create Joints button. This will create two Attachments and a corresponding Joint node.
The selection of the two Attachment nodes is same as the selection of the Source Boundaries and Destination Boundaries respectively.
The attachment nodes are set as Source and Destination of the Joint node.
If there is an existing Attachment node on any of these boundaries, no new Attachment node is created. Instead, the selection of the existing Attachment is modified to include the selection of the Source Boundaries or Destination Boundaries.
If the selection of Source Boundaries or Destination Boundaries is part of any Rigid Material node selection, then no new Attachment node is created on these boundaries. Instead, the corresponding Rigid Material is set as the Source or Destination of the Joint node.
For the joints created between cylindrical boundaries, the center and axis are calculated from the geometry and entered as the Center of Joint and Axis of Joint inputs in the settings. Similarly, for the joints created between spherical boundaries, the center is calculated from the geometry and entered as the Center of Joint input.