The Adaptive Mesh Refinement node (

) is a solver attribute that handles adaptive mesh refinement together with a
Stationary Solver or
Eigenvalue Solver. For information about the time-dependent
Adaptive Mesh Refinement node, see
Adaptive Mesh Refinement (Time-Dependent Adaptation) below.
For stationary and eigenvalue solvers, the Adaptive Mesh Refinement node cannot be added manually but is instead added by the solvers to indicate that they run an adaptive mesh refinement. The Adaptive Mesh Refinement node then only includes an Output section with information about the adaptation solutions and meshes.
The Defined by study step list shows the study step from which the main settings for adaptive mesh refinement are taken. Depending on the settings in the study step, some settings below are not available because they are specified in the study step’s settings. Choose
User defined to define all adaptive mesh refinement setting here.
Use the Adaptation in geometry list to specify that geometry. If you have specified the geometry in the stationary or eigenvalue study step, which appears in the
Defined by study step list above, this list is not available.
From the Solution selection list, select which solution that should be used to evaluate error estimates:
Select Use last (the default for all study types except Eigenvalue) to use the last solution.
Select Use first to use the first solution.
Select All (the default for Eigenvalue studies) to use all solutions from that study.
Select Manual to use a specific solution number that you specify as solution indices in the Indices field.
In the Weights field (only available when
Solution selection is
Manual or
All), enter weights as a space-separated list of positive (relative) weights so that the error estimate is a weighted sum of the error estimates for the various solutions (eigenmodes). The default value is 1, which means that the weight is put on all solutions (eigenmodes). If the number of weights is larger than 1 but less than the number of solutions, the omitted weights are treated as zero weights.
The Save solution on every adapted mesh check box is selected per default. Clear this check box if you do not want to save solution on every adapted mesh. In that case, the last two solutions are saved (the finest one and the second finest) regardless of the total number of solutions.
Under Mesh adaption, the following settings are available.
Use the Adaptation method list to control how to adaptively refine mesh elements. Select one of these methods:
General modification, to use the current mesh as a starting point and modify it by refinements, coarsening, topology modification, and point smoothing. Use the Allow coarsening check box to control if mesh coarsening is used. If the mesh contains anisotropic elements (for example, a boundary layer mesh), it is best to disable mesh coarsening to preserve the anisotropic structure. If you have selected to allow coarsening, specify the Maximum coarsening factor (a value of 5 by default) to scale the refined mesh size in the regions where refinement is not needed.
Rebuild mesh, to set up a size expression describing the error and rebuild the meshing sequence using the size expression as input. Note that structured meshes, such as mapped and swept meshes, in general are not appropriately refined. This method is not supported on imported meshes. The size of the refined mesh is the minimum of the size of the original mesh (previous refined mesh) and the size defined by the refinement. Specify the Maximum coarsening factor (a value of 3 by default) to scale the refined mesh size in the regions where refinement is not needed.
Regular refinement, to make the solver refine elements in a regular pattern by bisecting all edges of an element that needs refinement.
Longest edge refinement, to make the solver refine only the longest edge of an element by recursively bisecting the longest edge of edge elements that need refinement. This method is less suitable for models with nonsimplex elements. This is the default method.
For all adaptation methods except Rebuild mesh, you can specify the maximum number of refinements of the mesh elements (default: 5) in the
Maximum number of refinements field.
Use the Element selection list to specify how the solver should select which elements to refine. Select:
Rough global minimum to minimize the error by refining a fraction of the elements with the largest error in such a way that the total number of elements increases roughly by the factor specified in the accompanying Element count growth factor field. The default value is 1.7, which means that number of elements increases by about 70%.
Fraction of worst error to refine elements whose local error indicator is larger than a given fraction of the largest local error indicator. Use the accompanying Element fraction field to specify the fraction. The default value is 0.5, which means that the fraction contains the elements with more than 50% of the largest local error.
Fraction of elements to refine a given fraction of the elements. Use the accompanying Element fraction field to specify the fraction. The default value is 0.5, which means that the solver refines about 50% of the elements.
Use the Maximum number of elements field to specify the maximum number of elements in the refined mesh. If the number of elements exceeds this number, the solver stops even if it has not reached the number specified in the
Maximum number of adaptations field. The default value is 10,000,000 (ten million) elements.
With the Goal-oriented termination set to
Auto or
Manual, you can control the display of convergence from the adaptation when the
Output goal-oriented termination increments check box is selected. It is possible to choose the plot window to display the convergence as well as the table to be used by the plot from the
Plot window — select
New window (the default) or
Graphics — and
Output table lists, respectively. If you choose
New from the
Output table list, two new tables are created, one for the adaptation convergence plot and one for providing verbose information.
Also choose the level of detail for the log from the Goal-oriented termination log list:
Normal (the default), or
Detailed. Choose
Detailed if you want to include the evaluations for all the parameters, frequencies, or eigenvalues in the log.
Use the Maximum number of adaptations field to specify the maximum number of adaptive mesh refinement iterations. The default value is 5 in 1D, 2 in 2D, and 1 in 3D. With the
Goal-oriented termination set to
Auto, the default value is set to 20 in 1D, 15 in 2D, and 10 in 3D.
If desired, select the Use classic method for vector elements check box to use the adaptive method from versions 6.0 and earlier, in which higher-order names of DOFs for vector elements are ignored in the residual calculation.