When used under an Optimization Solver node, some of the settings below are instead available in the settings for the Optimization Solver node.
The termination tolerance used for iterative processes is also influenced by values specified in the Tolerance factor fields present in active Fully Coupled, Segregated, and Segregated Step subnodes. See Termination Criterion for the Fully Coupled and Segregated Attribute Nodes for details.
Automatic to perform an analysis that automatically detects if the problem can be solved with a linear solver approach. If this option is selected, no other settings are required.
Linear to use a linear solver. When the Fully Coupled solver is used with Automatic or Constant damping (the damping is equal to 1), this option uses the same linearization point for both residual and Jacobian computation and corresponds to one step in Newton’s method. If the damping is not equal to 1 and the Termination technique allows for more than one iteration, then an iterative approach will be used; the residual will be reassembled for the updated solution, but the Jacobian will be kept fixed. Notice that if this approach converges, it will converge to the solution to the problem at hand, which can be nonlinear. When a Segregated solver is used, and the Termination criteria allows for more than one iteration, then an iterative approach will be used that is very similar to the Fully Coupled solver, where the residuals for the individual segregated steps are reassembled with the updated solution while the Jacobians are kept constant from its initial assemble using the Linearization point.
Linear perturbation to use a linear solver. This option computes the Jacobian in the same way as the Linear option but include only special weak contribution terms when assembling the residual. Only terms encapsulated by the linper operator are included. This option is useful for small-signal analysis and similar applications where the variations around a linearization point are of interest.
Nonlinear to use a nonlinear solver. If this option is selected, no other settings are required.
Initial expression to use the expressions specified on the Initial Values nodes under a specific physics interface as a linearization point.
Solution to use a solution as a linearization point. Use the Solution list to specify which solution to use if Prescribed by has been set to Solution. Select:
Zero to use a linearization point that is identically equal to zero.
Any other solution to use it as linearization point. It can be the current solution in the sequence or a solution from another sequence or a solution that was stored with the Solution Store node. You select a stored solution by changing Use to the name of the stored solution.
When you want to define auxiliary parameters that are part of the equations like CFLCMP or niterCMP and where the solver does not define these parameters.