The Mode Analysis (

) study and study step are used to compute the propagation constants or wave numbers as well as propagating mode shapes for a given frequency.
When you add a Mode Analysis study, it adds a Mode Analysis study step under the
Study node. The Mode Analysis study is available with the Acoustics Module, RF Module, or Wave Optics Module.
Select a method to Transform:
Effective mode index,
Effective mode index, 2D axisymmetry,
Out-of-plane wave number,
Out-of-plane wave number, 2D axisymmetry,
Phase velocity, or
None. The available transforms and the default transform depend on the physics interfaces in the study.
Enter a value or expression for the Mode analysis frequency. The default frequency depends on the physics interfaces in the study.
From the Settings list, choose
Physics controlled (the default) to use linearization point settings controlled by the physics interfaces. Choose
User defined to specify the linearization point using the
Method list. Select:
Use the Study list to specify which solution to use from the available studies. Select:
If you are running an auxiliary sweep and want to distribute it by sending one parameter value to each compute node, select the Distribute parametric solver check box. To enable this option, click the
Show More Options button (

) and select
Batch and Cluster in the
Show More Options dialog box.