Clearing the Solve for setting for a physics interface in a study does not mean that the physics interface is disregarded. The solver then does not include the DOFs in its assembled system, but all variables and shape functions in the physics interface are generated. If the values of variables not solved for are taken from the solution of another study step (see Values of Dependent Variables), then variables are generated for the equation form of that study step. Otherwise, they are generated for the physics interface’s default equation form.
Clearing the Solve for setting will for some multiphysics couplings remove the coupling effect from the model, for others it will not. This depends on whether the coupling is implemented as a separate equation added to the system — in which case it will me removed — or as a contribution to variables declared by the coupled physics interfaces — in which case it will be unaffected.
To ensure that the effect of a multiphysics coupling is completely disregarded, select the Modify model configuration for study step check box and disable it in the study step, or disable it manually in the Model Builder.
Choose to solve for or not solve for dependent variables associated with a node in the same way as when the Modify model configuration for study step check box is not selected.
Disable control over a frame implemented by a node, available for Moving Mesh, Deformed Geometry, Shape Optimization, and some physics interfaces.
Cannot be Disabled — for default nodes in the physics interfaces.
Disabled in Model Builder — for nodes that you have disabled in the Model Builder.
From the Discretization list, choose a discretization for the physics in the physics interface. The default (and often the only) choice is Physics settings, which means that the study uses the discretization from the main physics interface node’s settings. Changing it affects the discretization order used by this study. To add another discretization, use a separate Discretization node in the physics interface.
From the Equation form list, choose an applicable equation form for the study step and physics interface: Automatic (the default, appearing with the default equation form in parentheses such as Automatic (Stationary)) or any other applicable equation form. If you change the equation form, the information is updated in the table of physics interface when you clear the Modify model configuration for study step check box. In addition to physics interfaces, the Equation form list is available for reduced-order models with a stateful interface.
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If the node is disabled in the Model Builder, it is grayed out. If you right-click it, the context menu contains Disabled in Model Builder. In this case, none of the options above are available.
If the node defines degrees of freedom but not equations applicable for the current study step type, then the Solve For option
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If you have the AC/DC Module, see Electric Shielding: Application Library path ACDC_Module/Introductory_Electric_Currents/electric_shielding.