Symmetry (Thin Layer, Thin Film, Fracture, and Heat Transfer in Shells Interface)
This node provides a no flux condition for symmetry edges, similar to a Thermal Insulation (Thin Layer, Thin Film, Fracture, and Heat Transfer in Shells Interface) condition.
It can be applied to exterior edges (3D) or points (2D and 2D axisymmetric) adjacent to the boundaries selected in the parent interface.
Edge Selection
Select the exterior edges on which to apply the symmetry condition. The Restrict to layered edges check box makes the node applicable only if a layered material is defined on the edge. If a layered material (Material with Layer thickness specified, Single Layer Material, Layered Material Link, or Layered Material Stack) is available, its name is then displayed beside the edge index (for example, slmat1), otherwise the edge is marked as not applicable.
Note that when the Shell type is Nonlayered shell in the Shells Properties section of the parent interface, the Restrict to layered boundaries check box is not editable.
In addition, in 2D, edges are modeled as points and this section is named Point Selection, containing a Restrict to layered points check box.
Shell Properties
This section is available only when the Shell type is Layered shell in the Shells Properties section of the parent interface. You can limit the contribution to some layered materials (but not individually selected layers) by clearing the Use all layers check box.
Location in User Interface
Context Menus
Physics tab with Heat Transfer in Shells selected in the model tree: