External Stress-Strain Relation
The External Stress-Strain Relation is a special type of material model where the computation of stress is delegated to external code which has been compiled into a shared library. External libraries must first be imported into an External Material feature under Global Definitions>Materials.
See also External Material and Working with External Materials in the COMSOL Multiphysics Reference Manual.
The External Stress-Strain Relation node is only available with some COMSOL products (see https://www.comsol.com/products/specifications/).
Select an External material from the list of compatible external materials added under Global Definitions>Materials. For a material to be compatible with this External Material model node, its Interface type must be set to a type whose required input quantities are all defined by this external material. Allowed required inputs include strain, the deformation gradient, as well as all standard model inputs.
Geometric Nonlinearity
The settings in this section control the overall kinematics, the definition of the strain decomposition, and the behavior of inelastic contributions, for the material.
Select a FormulationFrom study step (default), Total Lagrangian, or Geometrically linear to set the kinematics of the deformation and the definition of strain. When From study step is selected, the study step controls the kinematics and the strain definition.
With the default From study step, a total Lagrangian formulation for large strains is used when the Include geometric nonlinearity check box is selected in the study step. If the check box is not selected, the formulation is geometrically linear, with a small strain formulation.
To have full control of the formulation, select either Total Lagrangian, or Geometrically linear. When Total Lagrangian is selected, the physics will force the Include geometric nonlinearity check box in all study steps.
When inelastic deformations are present, such as for plasticity, the elastic deformation can be obtained in two different ways: using additive decomposition of strains or using multiplicative decomposition of deformation gradients.
Select a Strain decompositionAutomatic (default), Additive, or Multiplicative to decide how the inelastic deformations are treated. This option is not available when the formulation is set to Geometrically linear.
When Automatic is selected, a multiplicative or additive decomposition is used with a total Lagrangian formulation, depending on the Include geometric nonlinearity check box status in the study step.
Select Additive to force an additive decomposition of strains.
Select Multiplicative to force a multiplicative decomposition of deformation gradients. This option is only visible if Formulation is set to Total Lagrangian.
The Strain decomposition input is only visible for material models that support both additive and multiplicative decomposition of deformation gradients.
See Lagrangian Formulation, Deformation Measures, and Inelastic Strain Contributions in the Structural Mechanics Theory chapter.
See Modeling Geometric Nonlinearity in the Structural Mechanics Modeling chapter.
See Study Settings in the COMSOL Multiphysics Reference Manual.
Transverse Shear Strains
As a default, it is assumed that the transverse shear strains are zero. For a state of plane stress, this is true for an isotropic material, and for nonisotropic materials where the normal to the surface is a principal direction. If this is not the case, select the Transverse shear strains check box to store state variables also for the two transverse shear strains.
Location in User Interface
Context Menus
Physics tab with Solid Mechanics selected:
Physics tab with Membrane selected: