A Study node () holds all the nodes that define how to solve a model (see Figure 20-1). These nodes are divided into three broad categories:
Study steps (see Study and Study Step Types), which determine overall settings suitable for a certain study type. The study steps added are based on the chosen study types. You can also add study steps to a study by right-clicking a Study node and choose from the available study steps or by choosing them from the Study ribbon.
Solver Configurations, which contain the solvers and related configurations for dependent variables to solve for, intermediate storage of solutions, and specific solver settings. Those nodes are normally created by the study step, and you do not need to make any changes here. This branch is only initially visible if you select Solver and Job Configurations in the Show More Options dialog box but appears after solving or if you choose Show Default Solver from the Study node’s context menu.
Job Configurations, which contain all jobs defined for a study (distributed parametric jobs, batch jobs, and cluster computing). This branch is only visible if you select Solver and Job Configurations in the Show More Options dialog box.
Click the Compute button () (or press F8) to compute the study with its study steps (see Computing the Solution). Click the Update Solution button () (or press F5) to update the solution for the study (see Updating a Solution).
Right-click a Study node and choose Move Up (), Move Down (), or Delete () (or use the Ctrl+Up, Ctrl+Down, or Delete keys) to move a Study node up or down, relative to other Study nodes, or to remove it.
Also see Study Reference to refer to another study in the model. The main Study node has this section:
Study Settings
The Generate default plots check box is selected by default so that plot groups with suitable default plots for the physics interfaces in the study are generated automatically when computing the solution. Clear this check box if you do not want any default plots.
The Generate convergence plots check box is selected or cleared by default based on the setting for generating convergence plots in the Preferences>Results dialog box. Clear this check box if you do not want convergence plots to be generated during the solution process.
Select the Store solution for all intermediate study steps check box (cleared by default) to make the study add Solution Store nodes after all intermediate study steps in a study with multiple study steps. If this check box is not selected, Solution Store nodes are only added for some study step combinations.
Select the Generate default plots for intermediately stored solutions check box to generate a default plot group for each Solution Store node in the solver sequence of the study that appear after a Compile Equations node.
Select the Plot the location of undefined values check box (cleared by default) to create a separate window that contains a plot that shows the location of any undefined values such as Inf or NaN. Such undefined values could be the result of a division by zero, for example. For a Geometry 1, for example, the window name is Undefined Values in Geometry 1.
In this section you find information about the computation time, date and clock time, and COMSOL version for the last run of the study.