This section is only present when Viscoplasticity is used as a subnode to:
When using viscoplasticity together with a hyperelastic material, only the option Large strains is available.
When using viscoplasticity in the Shell, Membrane, and Truss interfaces, only the option Small strains is available.
Viscoplastic Creep in Solder Joints: Application Library path Nonlinear_Structural_Materials_Module/Viscoplasticity/viscoplastic_solder_joints
The default is von Mises criterion with associate plastic potential.
Select Tresca to use Tresca yield criterion. The plastic potential can be an Associated or nonassociated flow rule with the von Mises stress as plastic potential.
Select Hill orthotropic to use Hill’s criterion. From the Specify list select either the Initial tensile and shear yield stresses σys0ij or Hill’s coefficients F, G, H, L, M, and N. The default for either selection uses values From material (if it exists) or User defined. The principal directions of orthotropy are inherited from the coordinate system selection in the parent node. See Expressions for the Coefficients F, G, H, L, M, N for details.
For User defined enter a value or expression for the equivalent stress. Write any expression in terms of stress tensor components or its invariants in the σe field.
Select Perfectly plastic (ideal viscoplasticity) if the material can undergo viscoplastic deformation without any increase in yield stress.
For Linear the default Isotropic tangent modulus ETiso uses values From material (if it exists) or User defined. The yield level σys is modified as hardening occurs, and it is related to the equivalent viscoplastic strain εvpe as
Select Ludwik from the list to model nonlinear isotropic hardening. The yield level σys is modified by the power-law
Select Johnson–Cook from the list to model strain rate dependent hardening. The Strength coefficient k, Hardening exponent n, Reference strain rate
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For Power law, enter the Reference temperature Tref, the Melting temperature Tm, and the Temperature exponent, m.
For User defined, enter the Thermal Softening function f(Th), the Reference temperature Tref, and the Melting temperature Tm. The softening function f(Th) typically depends on the built-in variable for the normalized homologous temperature Th, and has the properties f(0) = 0 and f(1) = 1. The variable is named using the scheme <physics>.<elasticTag>.<viscoplasticTag>.Th (for example solid.lemm1.vpl1.Th).
For Swift nonlinear isotropic hardening, the Reference strain ε0 and the Hardening exponent n use values From material (if it exists) or User defined. The yield level σys is modified by the power-law
Select Voce from the list to model nonlinear isotropic hardening. The yield level σys is modified by the exponential law
For Hockett–Sherby nonlinear isotropic hardening, the Steady-state flow stress σ∝, the Saturation coefficient m, and the Saturation exponent n use values From material (if it exists) or User defined. The yield level σys is increased by the exponential law
For Hardening function, the isotropic Hardening function σh(εvpe) uses values From material or User defined. The yield level σys is modified as
Select No kinematic hardening when the material can undergo viscoplastic deformation without a shift in the yield surface.
If Linear is selected as the Kinematic hardening model, the default Kinematic tangent modulus Ek uses values From material. This parameter is used to calculate the back stress σb as:
If Armstrong–Frederick is selected from the list, the default Kinematic hardening modulus Ck and Kinematic hardening parameter γk use values From material. These parameters are used to calculate the back stress σb from the rate equation
When Chaboche is selected from the Kinematic hardening model list, the default Kinematic hardening modulus C0 uses values From material. Add branches as needed to solve N rate equations for the back stresses:
Activation energy Q. The default is 0 J/mol.
This section is not present when Viscoplasticity is used with:
Maximum number of local iterations. To determine the maximum number of iteration in the Newton loop when solving the local viscoplasticity equations.
Absolute tolerance. To check the convergence of the local viscoplasticity equations based on the step size in the Newton loop.
Relative tolerance. To check the convergence of the local viscoplasticity equations based on the step size in the Newton loop. The final tolerance is computed based on the current solution of the local variable and the entered value.
Residual tolerance. To check the convergence of the local viscoplasticity equations based on the residual of each equation.
To compute the energy dissipation caused by viscoplasticity, enable the Calculate dissipated energy check box in the Energy Dissipation section of the parent material node (Linear Elastic Material or Nonlinear Elastic Material).