External Source
The External Source () feature connects an external source between two nodes in the mechanical system.
The equations for the external source can be defined within or outside the physics interface. An external source can be used to connect a distributed model of a component to a lumped model of a system. The displacement of both nodes of the distributed component model can be specified as input to this feature. The reaction forces of both nodes of the lumped system model can be applied to the distributed component model. The Lumped–Structure Connection multiphysics coupling can be used to facilitate the connection between a distributed model and a lumped model.
Enter a component Name for the external source. The default name (for the first instance) is E1.
Node Connections
Set the two Node names for the connecting nodes for the external source.
Component Parameters
Specify Input displacementFrom multiphysics coupling or User defined. If set to From multiphysics coupling, the input displacement is taken as the displacement of the connection points of the Lumped–Structure Connection multiphysics coupling. If Input displacement is set to User defined, specify the values of Displacement, port-1, up10, and Displacement, port-2, up20.
Select appropriate options in the Add the following to default results in order to include the following in the default plots or evaluations:
Context Menus
Physics tab with  Lumped Mechanical System selected: