Lumped–Structure Connection
It is possible to couple the Lumped Mechanical System interface to several other structural mechanics interfaces through a predefined multiphysics coupling. Add a Lumped–Structure Connection multiphysics node () to connect finite element models built using structural mechanics interfaces, to the Lumped Mechanical System interface.
The displacements obtained from the finite element model at the connection points are transferred to the lumped model. Similarly, the reaction forces obtained from the lumped model are applied to the finite element model.
Enter a Name for the lumped-structure connection. The default name (for the first instance) is lsc1.
Coupled Interfaces
Select Lumped mechanical systemLumped Mechanical System.
Select StructureSolid Mechanics, Multibody Dynamics, Shell, Layered Shell, Membrane, Plate (2D), Beam, Truss, Solid Rotor, Beam Rotor, or Pipe Mechanics.
Connection Settings
Connect to — Set to External source or Displacement node depending upon whether an External Source or a Displacement Node node is used to connect the lumped system to the finite element model. If you select External source, corresponding nodes of the selected Lumped Mechanical System are listed. If you select Displacement node, corresponding nodes of the selected Lumped Mechanical System are listed. Note that for an External Source or Displacement Node to be listed in the Lumped–Structure Connection multiphysics coupling node, you need to set the Input displacement of the respective node to From multiphysics coupling.
When Connect to is set to External source, the displacements of two connection points are required to connect the selected Lumped mechanical system and Structure. Select them in the Point Selection, Port-1 and Point Selection, Port-2 sections, respectively. The displacements of these points are taken as the Input displacement of the ports of the selected External Source node. If multiple points are selected in these sections, the Input displacement of each port is the average displacement of all points in the respective selections.
When Connect to is set to Displacement node, the displacement of a single connection point is required. This is selected in the Point Selection, Terminal section. The displacement of this point is taken as the Input displacement of the terminal of the selected displacement node. In this case, phase of the displacement node is set to 0. If multiple points are selected in this section, the Input displacement is the average of all points in the selection.
Select the DirectionX-axis, Y-axis, Z-axis (3D), or User defined to specify the connection point displacement component that will be used in the Displacement Node or External Source nodes. In 2D axisymmetry, the allowed values are R-axis, Z-axis, or User defined. For User defined, enter the direction vector of the connection point displacement.
Location in User Interface
Context Menus
Physics tab with  Lumped Mechanical System selected: