You control who can set permissions on database objects via ownerships — every object has an owner, which is one of the Users in the database. Except for root administrators, only the owner can change a database object’s permissions. The user that creates an object is automatically set as its initial owner.
Transfer Ownership
You can transfer the ownership of a database object to another user if you own the object, or if you are authenticated as a root administrator.
Click Owner () in the Permissions section of the Database toolbar. The Owner dialog box is opened for the current selection in The Databases Window, The Model Manager Window, or The Maintenance Window (depending on which window is focused).
The Database field shows the label of the database that the object belongs to, the Name field shows the name of the object, and the Current owner field shows the username of the user that owns the object. If setting the ownership of multiple database objects at once, the Name field shows the static text <Multiple selected>. Under New Owner, write the name or display name of the user to transfer ownership to in the search field. Click Search. Select one of the users in the table and click OK to save the new ownership.