A user () is someone who has connected to a Model Manager database. For a local database, the user is created with the user account name on your computer. For a server database, the user is created using the credentials you provide when connecting to the Model Manager server — see Connecting to a Server Database.
A user in a Model Manager database is primarily used to identify the individual that has saved a commit, the owner of a database object, or the individuals that have been granted permissions for a database object.
User Settings
The Settings window for a user shows:
Database. The label of the database that the user belongs to.
Name. The username of the user.
Display Name. An alternative name used for display purposes.
Group Memberships. The groups in the database that the user is a member of.
Clicking the Save button () saves the display name and the group memberships for the user.
Group Memberships
Click Add to add the user as a member to a group in the database. In the Search dialog box, type a name or display name for groups and click the Search button. Select groups in the search result table and click OK.
Select groups in the Group Memberships list and click Remove to remove group memberships from the user.
Click the Save button () to save any changed group memberships to the database.