Content filters match on values in the The Contents Section of
Model Settings — that is, on node properties, parameters, features, and other settings in the model tree of a model.
The Parameter filter (

) is a combined
Keyword Field,
Text Field, and
Numeric Field filter on parameters in a
Parameters node. You can create a filter by combining:
The Setting filter (

) is a combined
Keyword Field and
Text Field filter on general settings found in the
Settings window for a node. You can create a filter by combining:
The Part filter (

) is a
Selection Field filter on model parts found inside the model tree that may be reused by other models as auxiliary data. The only supported part is
The Space Dimension filter (

) is a
Selection Field filter on the space dimension of a
Component node. Select from
Axial Symmetry (2D),
Axial Symmetry (1D),
1D, and
The Physics filter (

) is a
Selection Field filter on physics interfaces used by a model. You select physics interfaces you want to filter on from a tree. Select a space dimension in the
Show available physics for field to filter the tree on physics interfaces available for that dimension. You can also filter the tree by writing the name of a physics interface and clicking the
Search button.
The Study Step filter (

) is a
Selection Field filter on study steps used by a model. Select the study steps you want to filter on from the shown list.
The Node Type filter (

) is a combined
Text Field and
Keyword Field filter for finding models with nodes of a particular type. You can create a filter be combining:
You typically include a filter on the API type or
API class fields to narrow the search when the
Type field alone matches too wide.
The Label filter (

) is a
Text Field filter on a node’s label.
The Created filter (

) is a
Date Field filter for when the node was created.
The Last Modified filter (

) is a
Date Field filter for when the node was last modified. Except for the root node, this field is only available from the model object via the COMSOL API. Only a subset of all node types automatically update this value.
The Last Modified By filter (

) is a
Keyword Field filter on the last modified by value accessible from the model object via the COMSOL API. Only a subset of all node types automatically update this value.