Input Matrix
Use the Input Matrix node () to create the raw data of an assembled matrix or vector from Java. Right-click the Eigenvalue Solver, Stationary Solver, or Time-Dependent Solver nodes and select Input Matrix. Select the appropriate check boxes for the matrices and vectors you want to input and save the model as a file for Java. The saved Java file now contains code for inputting the selected matrices and vectors.
In this section you can choose to input matrices and vectors that are passed to the linear solvers by enabling one or several of the following check boxes: Load vector, Stiffness matrix, Damping matrix, Mass matrix, Constraint vector, Constraint Jacobian, and Constraint force Jacobian.
The matrices and vectors input using the Input Matrix node replace the corresponding matrices and vectors in the assembled system from the model in COMSOL Multiphysics.
InputMatrix in the COMSOL Multiphysics Programming Reference Manual