The Frequency Domain, RF Adaptive Mesh (

) study and study step are used to perform the mesh adaptation for RF, microwave, and millimeter-wave circuit or antenna models based on the computed norm of electric and magnetic fields of a linear or linearized model subjected to harmonic excitation for one or several frequencies. The adaptation is automatically terminated when the absolute value of S-parameter is converged within the range specified.
Specify the frequencies to use for the frequency sweep. Select the unit to use from the Frequency unit list (default: GHz). Type the frequencies in the
Frequencies field using space-separated numbers or the
range function.
When Physics controlled is selected, select a
Type —
Printed circuit board or
Domain (the default)
. When is
Printed circuit board selected, edge mesh adaptation is performed on conductive printed traces or slots. For
Domain, perfect matched layers are excluded in the mesh adaptation.
In the Maximum number of adaptations field, enter a suitable number of mesh adaptation steps (default: 10).
In the Damping factor field, enter a suitable damping factor (default: 0.1). The damping factor makes the mesh adaptation more robust when there is any sharp resonance. A higher value could turn a sharp peak into a smooth curve of functional and goal-oriented termination expressions.
The Enforce linear elements check box is selected by default to make sure that elements with linear shape functions are used. They work best for these types of RF adaptive mesh simulations, especially for circuit simulations.