Use a Slice () to display a scalar quantity on slices inside a 3D domain. Add Deformation, Filter, Material Appearance, Selection (Plot Attribute), Translation, Transparency, and Visual Effects subnodes as needed. Right-click a 3D Plot Group to add this plot.
Go to Common Results Node Settings for links to information about these sections: Data, Expression, Title, Range, Coloring and Style, Quality, and Inherit Style.
Plane Data
Under Plane Data, select a Plane Type: Quick (the default) to specify planes orthogonal to the coordinate axes or General to specify general planes.
If Quick is selected:
From the Plane list, select xy-planes, yz-planes, or zx-planes as the set of planes orthogonal to the coordinate axes applicable for the model geometry.
Select an Entry method: Number of planes or Coordinates.
If Number of planes is selected, enter Planes.
If Coordinates is selected, enter the applicable (x, y, or z) grid Coordinates. Choose a set of cut plane slices to a coordinate axis, specify the transverse coordinate by entering the location along the transverse coordinate axis in the Coordinates field.
If General is selected:
Select an option from the Plane entry method list: Three points or Point and normal.
If Three points is selected, enter x, y, or z coordinates in the Point 1, Point 2, and Point 3 fields.
If Point and normal is selected, enter x, y, or z coordinates in both the Point and Normal sections.
If required, select the Additional parallel planes check box and select an Entry method: Number of planes or Distances.
If Number of planes is selected, enter the number of grid Planes (the default is 4).
If Distances is selected, enter the Distances (SI unit: m).
To move the slices interactively, select the Interactive check box before plotting. You can then move the slices using the slider or by typing a shift in the Shift field. A zero shift represents the original position of the slices.