Scatter Surface and Scatter Volume
Use scatter plots to visualize a scalar quantity as scattered spheres on a 2D Scatter Surface () or in a 3D Scatter Volume () (as functions of spatial coordinates or any quantities).
Scatter plots can be used as alternatives to arrow plots for scalar quantities or to represent the correlation between two or more different variables to get a feeling for how quantities correlate. To display a quantity using the color and radius of scattered spheres in the model geometry, use the spatial coordinates (x, y, and z in 3D) as the expressions for the scatter plot axes.
If you use some other quantities as the variables that determine the scattered spheres’ positions on the axes, it is good practice to remove the plotting of the dataset’s edges (typically the geometry boundaries) by clearing the Plot dataset edges check box in the main plot group node’s Settings window. In those cases, the axes in the Graphics window no longer represent the space coordinate for the geometry.
The radius and color can both be functions of independent quantities, so a 3D scatter plot can provide information about up to five different quantities as the three axis directions, color, and radius. Right-click a 2D Plot Group or 3D Plot Group to add these plot types from the More Surface Plots or More Volume Plots submenu, respectively. If you want to add a material appearance, right-click the Scatter Surface or Scatter Volume node and add Material Appearance, Transparency (Scatter Volume only), and Visual Effects (Scatter Volume only) subnodes as desired.
Go to Common Results Node Settings for links to information about these sections: Data, Expression, Title, Range, Radius, Color, Coloring and Style, and Inherit Style.
Evaluation Points
Under Evaluation Points, select an Entry method for the grid points coordinates based on space dimension (x grid points and y grid points for 2D; r grid points and z grid points for 2D axial symmetry; or x grid points, y grid points, and z grid points for 3D).
The evaluation points are located in a block-shaped (3D) or rectangular (2D) grid where the axes represent the expressions defined in the Expression section.
If Number of points is selected, enter the number of Points in each direction (the default is 15 for 2D Scatter Surface and 7 for 3D Scatter Volume).
If Coordinates is selected, enter Coordinates (SI unit: m).