Use a Poincaré Map plot (

) to visualize particle trajectories using a
Poincaré map (sometimes called a
first recurrence map). Add
Color Expression,
Material Appearance,
Transparency, and
Visual Effects subnodes as needed.
The Poincaré map is constructed by first defining a Cut Plane (

) on the
Particle dataset (

). Then add a
3D Plot Group or a
2D Plot Group, depending on the dimension of the particle trajectories, and right-click the plot group node to add these plots from the
More Volume Plots or
More Surface Plots submenu, respectively.
The Poincaré map parent plot group should point to this cut plane (select a Cut plane dataset under
Data). The resulting plot places a dot on the cut plane at the location where a particle crossed the plane. The same particle can cross the cut plane multiple times.