Arrow Surface
Use an Arrow Surface plot to visualize a vector quantity as arrows on a surface using a 2D Arrow Surface () or 3D Arrow Surface () plot. Add Color Expression, Deformation, Filter, Material Appearance, Selection (Plot Attribute), Translation, Transparency (3D only), or Visual Effects (3D only) subnodes as needed. For example, add a Color Expression node to color the arrows with the magnitude of the vector quantity that the arrows represent. Right-click a 2D Plot Group or 3D Plot Group to add these plots.
Go to Common Results Node Settings for links to information about these sections: Data, Expression, Title, Arrow Positioning, Coloring and Style, and Inherit Style. For a settings specific to Arrow Surface plots in the Expression section, see below.
In addition to the expressions for the components of the vector to plot using arrows, and a description for that vector, this section contains an additional setting:
From the Components to plot list, choose All (the default), Normal, or Tangential to plot the full vector or only its normal or tangential components relative to the selected surfaces.