About Datasets
Datasets refer to the source of data for creating Plots and Reports. It can be a Solution, a Mesh, or some transformation or cut plane applied to other datasets — that is, you can create new datasets from other datasets. You add datasets to the Datasets branch () under Results.
All plots refer to datasets; the solutions are always available as default datasets. Characteristics of a dataset include:
The base dataset maps to a solution and geometry or some other source of data. An example of a transformation dataset is Revolution 2D, which sweeps a 2D dataset into 3D.
Adding a Dataset to the Model Builder
In the Model Builder under Results (), right-click Datasets () and select an option from the context menu. Continue defining each dataset as described. See Table 21-7 for links to all the types of datasets.
See Dataset Types and Attributes for links to the dataset descriptions.
Exporting Data from Datasets
For most datasets, you can right-click the dataset node and choose Add Data to Export. A Data node is then added under Results>Export, where you can define the content and format for the data output and export it to a file.
For datasets that also include a mesh, such as Solution and Mesh datasets, you can also right-click the dataset and choose Add Mesh to Export. A Mesh (Export) node is then added under Results>Export, where you can define the content and format for the mesh data output and export it to a file.